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"Machine Learning with TensorFlow 2018版英文版" 本书是关于使用TensorFlow进行机器学习的专业指南,由Nishant Shukla和Kenneth Fricklas合著,由Manning出版社出版。全书分为三个部分,旨在帮助读者理解和掌握机器学习的核心概念以及TensorFlow的强大功能。 第一部分,作者首先介绍了机器学习的基础知识,阐述了机器学习的定义以及TensorFlow在其中的重要性。第1章深入浅出地讲解了机器学习的术语和理论,为初学者提供了坚实的入门基础;第2章则详细介绍了如何开始使用TensorFlow,使读者能够迅速上手实践。 第二部分关注的是经过时间验证的经典算法。第3章至第6章分别探讨了回归、分类、聚类和隐马尔可夫模型(HMM)这些广泛应用于机器学习领域的基础算法。通过这部分的学习,读者可以掌握这些算法的原理和应用。 第三部分,也是本书的重点,揭示了TensorFlow在神经网络领域的强大潜力。第7章至第12章依次介绍了自动编码器、强化学习、卷积神经网络(CNN)、循环神经网络(RNN)、序列到序列模型以及实用工具。这些章节深度探讨了神经网络的各种类型及其在现代人工智能中的应用,如图像识别、自然语言处理和智能决策等。 通过阅读这本书,读者不仅可以了解机器学习的基本概念,还能掌握TensorFlow这一强大的开源库,从而能够在实际项目中运用这些知识和技能。无论你是机器学习的初学者还是希望深化对TensorFlow理解的从业者,这本书都能为你提供宝贵的指导。同时,书中实例丰富,有助于读者通过实践来巩固理论知识,提升解决实际问题的能力。 《Machine Learning with TensorFlow》2018版是一本全面介绍机器学习与TensorFlow的权威指南,它将带领读者深入探索这个充满活力的领域,助力你在机器学习的道路上不断前进。
2018-03-20 上传
The rich area of text analytics draws ideas from information retrieval, machine learning, and natural language processing. Each of these areas is an active and vibrant field in its own right, and numerous books have been written in each of these different areas. As a result, many of these books have covered some aspects of text analytics, but they have not covered all the areas that a book on learning from text is expected to cover. At this point, a need exists for a focussed book on machine learning from text. This book is a first attempt to integrate all the complexities in the areas of machine learning, information retrieval, and natural language processing in a holistic way, in order to create a coherent and integrated book in the area. Therefore, the chapters are divided into three categories: 1. Fundamental algorithms and models: Many fundamental applications in text analyt- ics, such as matrix factorization, clustering, and classification, have uses in domains beyond text. Nevertheless, these methods need to be tailored to the specialized char- acteristics of text. Chapters 1 through 8 will discuss core analytical methods in the context of machine learning from text. 2. Information retrieval and ranking: Many aspects of information retrieval and rank- ing are closely related to text analytics. For example, ranking SVMs and link-based ranking are often used for learning from text. Chapter 9 will provide an overview of information retrieval methods from the point of view of text mining. 3. Sequence- and natural language-centric text mining: Although multidimensional rep- resentations can be used for basic applications in text analytics, the true richness of the text representation can be leveraged by treating text as sequences. Chapters 10 through 14 will discuss these advanced topics like sequence embedding, deep learning, information extraction, summarization, opinion mining, text segmentation, and event extraction.