解决INtouch 2014 R2 SP1在Win10上新建应用报错(8000ffff)

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"INTOUCH 2014 R2 SP1在Windows 10系统中遇到创建新应用程序时的(8000ffff)错误。该问题是由于软件与操作系统的兼容性问题导致,尤其是当Windows 10自动更新到1909版本时,会导致INTOUCH 2014 R2 SP1的新应用创建失败。解决方案是使用1703版本的Windows 10,并关闭自动更新功能以防止系统升级。" 在本文中,我们讨论了一个特定的故障情况,即用户尝试在Windows 10操作系统上使用INTOUCH 2014 R2 SP1版本时,无法创建新的应用程序,收到一个错误提示:“Could not perform operation -- unexpected exception. Unexpected failure (8000ffff)”。这个错误通常出现在软件试图执行某项操作但遭遇未预期的异常时,具体捕获于CreateGalaxy.cpp文件的第779、939和941行。 该问题的根本原因在于INTOUCH 2014 R2 SP1与某些版本的Windows 10之间的兼容性问题。特别是,当Windows 10自动更新到1909版本时,这个错误变得更加频繁。根据用户的测试,1703版本的Windows 10可以成功安装INTOUCH 2014 R2 SP1,且允许创建新应用,而1803和1809版本的表现则不稳定,有时会出现此问题。 为了解决这个问题,建议使用1703版本的Windows 10,并在安装INTOUCH 2014 R2 SP1之后,通过服务设置禁用Windows 10的自动更新功能,以防止系统意外升级到可能导致问题的版本。这样可以保持系统与INTOUCH软件的兼容性,从而确保用户能够继续创建和编辑新型应用程序。 总结来说,解决"8000ffff"错误的关键在于理解INTOUCH 2014 R2 SP1与Windows 10特定版本的兼容性,并采取适当的措施来防止系统自动更新到不兼容的版本。用户应密切关注操作系统版本,选择合适的版本,并关闭自动更新以维持软件的正常运行。同时,对于那些已经升级到可能不兼容的Windows 10版本的用户,回滚到兼容的系统版本或寻求官方的补丁和更新是必要的。
2019-10-28 上传

xiazai.py:10:0: C0301: Line too long (130/100) (line-too-long) xiazai.py:29:21: C0303: Trailing whitespace (trailing-whitespace) xiazai.py:30:0: W0311: Bad indentation. Found 10 spaces, expected 12 (bad-indentation) xiazai.py:40:0: C0301: Line too long (103/100) (line-too-long) xiazai.py:41:0: C0301: Line too long (153/100) (line-too-long) xiazai.py:53:0: C0305: Trailing newlines (trailing-newlines) xiazai.py:1:0: C0114: Missing module docstring (missing-module-docstring) xiazai.py:7:0: C0103: Constant name "url" doesn't conform to UPPER_CASE naming style (invalid-name) xiazai.py:13:13: W3101: Missing timeout argument for method 'requests.get' can cause your program to hang indefinitely (missing-timeout) xiazai.py:14:16: I1101: Module 'lxml.etree' has no 'HTML' member, but source is unavailable. Consider adding this module to extension-pkg-allow-list if you want to perform analysis based on run-time introspection of living objects. (c-extension-no-member) xiazai.py:19:0: C0103: Constant name "num" doesn't conform to UPPER_CASE naming style (invalid-name) xiazai.py:21:4: R1723: Unnecessary "elif" after "break", remove the leading "el" from "elif" (no-else-break) xiazai.py:24:17: W3101: Missing timeout argument for method 'requests.get' can cause your program to hang indefinitely (missing-timeout) xiazai.py:25:20: I1101: Module 'lxml.etree' has no 'HTML' member, but source is unavailable. Consider adding this module to extension-pkg-allow-list if you want to perform analysis based on run-time introspection of living objects. (c-extension-no-member) xiazai.py:28:8: C0103: Constant name "judge" doesn't conform to UPPER_CASE naming style (invalid-name) xiazai.py:28:31: C0209: Formatting a regular string which could be a f-string (consider-using-f-string) xiazai.py:30:22: C0209: Formatting a regular string which could be a f-string (consider-using-f-string) xiazai.py:31:14: C0209: Formatting a regular string which could be a f-string (consider-using-f-string) xiazai.py:34:8: C0103: Constant name "chapter_num" doesn't conform to UPPER_CASE naming style (invalid-name) xiazai.py:38:29: W3101: Missing timeout argument for method 'requests.get' can cause your program to hang indefinitely (missing-timeout) xiazai.py:39:32: I1101: Module 'lxml.etree' has no 'HTML' member, but source is unavailable. Consider adding this module to extension-pkg-allow-list if you want to perform analysis based on run-time introspection of living objects. (c-extension-no-member) xiazai.py:41:22: C0209: Formatting a regular string which could be a f-string (consider-using-f-string) xiazai.py:42:16: C0103: Constant name "all_content" doesn't conform to UPPER_CASE naming style (invalid-name) xiazai.py:44:20: R1713: Consider using str.join(sequence) for concatenating strings from an iterable (consider-using-join) ----------------------------------- Your code has been rated at 5.43/10

2023-07-15 上传