A Cascade Classifier Using Adaboost Algorithm and
Support Vector Machine for Pedestrian Detection
Wen-Chang Cheng
Dept. Computer Science and Information Eng,
Chaoyang University of Technology, Taichung, Taiwan,
Ding-Mao Jhan
Dept. Computer Science and Information Eng,
Chaoyang University of Technology, Taichung, Taiwan,
Abstract— In this paper, we improve cascade-Adaboost classifier
and propose a cascade-Adaboost-SVM classifier. It is combined
with Adaboost and SVM and real-time pedestrian detection
system with a single camera. We capture the pedestrian candidate
areas with a window of fixed size, conduct feature extraction to
candidate areas and mobile images with Haar-like rectangle
feature calculation and then, complete pedestrian by using the
proposed cascade-Adaboost-SVM classifier. As this
cascade-Adaboost-SVM classifier can adjust numbers of cascade
classifiers adaptively, it can construct cascade classifiers
effectively based on training set. Finally, we complete the
pedestrian detection experiment with the database of captured
samples and PETs database. The experimental result shows that
the cascade classifier proposed by us can get better performance
than cascade-Adaboost classifier and its accuracy can reach
99.5% and the false alarm rate is less than 1e-5.
Keywords-Background subtraction; Human detection; Object
recognition; Haar-like feature; Ensemble classifier
Pedestrian detection based on computer vision acts an
important role in many applications, for example driver
assistance system, surveillance system and intelligent robot
[1-3]. The driver assistance system can avoid the collision
through pedestrian and route detection to guarantee the safety
of drivers and pedestrians effectively. For surveillance system,
the false operation caused by shadow changes and swaying of
trees can be avoided by using pedestrian detection to activate
camera to monitor and record, which can save labor cost and
reduce the space to store the videos. Secondly, route of
pedestrians can be predicted and behavior of pedestrians can
be analyzed by tracking pedestrians, so as to prevent accidents
actively. If accidents are unavoidable, the prediction and video
of pedestrians’ route can help the police know information of
suspects quickly to increase the possibility of case solving. For
the robot applications, pedestrian detection can be used for
interactivity of human-computer interface and can provide
information about location of surrounding pedestrians and
offer real time service when necessary. It can be known from
the description above that the pedestrian detection is being
actually applied to many fields.
The real-time pedestrian detection system is currently a
hot research subject. Many methods have already been
proposed [1-12]. A pedestrian detection system generally
includes three parts, namely, object segmentation, feature
extraction, and classification. According to the use of camera,
they can be divided into visible light camera and invisible light
camera. According to camera architecture, they can be divided
into single camera and multiple cameras. The cost of invisible
light equipment is generally much higher than that of visible
light camera. Multiple cameras require more equipment and
the cost is relatively high, therefore we mainly discuss the
pedestrian detection method using single visible light camera
in this paper. Based on whether or not to adopt the background
image method, object segmentation can be classified roughly
into two methods. The first is to use the background image
[1-3, 11], which helps us to get the foreground image by
subtracting the background image from the real-time input
image. Then, it segments the object according to the connected
parts on the foreground image. Finally, it performs feature
extraction and classification identification. This method needs
background reconstruction and technology update. This is
unsuitable for mobile platforms, such as driving safety
assistance systems and intelligent robots. The second is not to
adopt the background image method [1-9, 12], which segments
the input image into some image blocks with the same window
size. Then, it makes feature extraction to all image blocks.
Finally, it identifies whether the blocks belong to a pedestrian
according to the extracted feature. The advantage of this
method is that it does not need extra time for reconstruction
and update of the background image. This is suitable for
mobile platforms.
Viola and Jones [12-14] used Haar-like method for the
local feature of the pedestrian shown in the image blocks.
Moreover, they took an Adaboost classifier [15-16], which has
many weak classifiers forming a powerful one, to identify the
pedestrians. Each weak classifier makes the classification for
only one dimension within the feature vector. For a few weak
classifiers, this method can effectively reduce the complexity
and time of the calculation, but the accuracy obtained is low.
For many weaker classifiers, it provides high accuracy but
requires a long calculation time and still has high false alarm
rates. To solve the problem, Viola and Jones further proposed
cascade Adaboost classifier which is composed by the
cascading of many Adaboost classifiers. Assume there are L
layers in this classifier and the detection rate and false alarm
rate of each layer are d
and f
respectively. The detection rate
and the false alarm rate of the whole cascade-Adaboost
classifier can be defined as D=(d
and F=(f
For example, if the detection rate d
and the false alarm ratef
are set as 99.9% and 30.0% respectively in all layers, then the
whole detection rate D and the whole false alarm rate F will be
> 0.99and (0.3)
< 1e-5, respectively, for training set.
However, when we conducted the cascade-Adaboost classifier,
we found that Adaboost classifiers in front layers could reach
preset targets with less weak classifiers. But those in rear