学生成绩管理系统设计报告 - 数据库课程实践【详细教程】

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The database course design report focuses on the development of a student grade management system. The purpose of the project is to provide students with practical experience in understanding the theoretical knowledge of relational databases and the use of relevant software tools. It also aims to enhance students' application development skills and innovation consciousness, with a particular emphasis on the following abilities: consolidation of knowledge in the principles of database systems, familiarity with the basic usage of relational database management systems, proficiency in SQL language and its operations, understanding of the database design process, and the ability to independently design small-scale database application systems. The project requires independent completion and has been guided by specific progress and completion schedules. The main references for the project include "Introduction to Database Systems" by Wang Shan and Sa Shixuan, published by Higher Education Press in 2006. The project report is structured as follows: - Chapter 1: System Overview - Chapter 2: System Analysis - Chapter 3: Functional Analysis Through the completion of this project, students have gained practical experience in database design and application development, which will contribute to their overall understanding of database systems and enhance their skills in working with relational databases. The project has been evaluated based on the guidance and input of the instructor and reflects the students' achievement and understanding of the course material.