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"Learn Cocoa on the Mac, 2nd Edition" 本书是关于在Mac上学习Cocoa编程的第二版,旨在帮助读者掌握创建高效、美观的Mac OS X应用程序所需的一切知识。Cocoa是Apple提供的一组面向对象的框架,为Mac OS X应用程序提供了运行时环境。Cocoa几乎处理了Mac开发中的所有常规任务,如窗口绘制、文本字段中的光标闪烁等,让开发者能够专注于编写使应用程序独一无二的代码。 Cocoa为各种开发需求提供了类。从窗口、菜单、滚动条、按钮到图像和图标,几乎每一个Mac OS X用户界面元素都有对应的Cocoa类实现。使用Cocoa构建的应用程序与Mac OS X系统紧密集成,能够很好地与其他应用协同工作,并无缝对接Finder、Dock等系统元素。 Cocoa的历史可以追溯到1986年,源自NeXTStep的AppKit,而NeXTStep是NeXT平台的应用构建工具。当Apple在1996年收购NeXT后,他们基于NeXT的技术开发了新的操作系统,即现在的OS X。 本书的章节内容涵盖了从基础到高级的Cocoa编程主题: 1. 第1章“Must Love Cocoa”介绍了Cocoa的重要性。 2. 第2章“Hello, World”引导读者进行简单的Cocoa程序编写。 3. 第3章“Lights, Camera… Actions! (and Outlets, too)”讲解了动作(Actions)和插槽(Outlets)的概念。 4. 第4章“The First Call to Action”深入讨论了事件处理。 5. 第5章“GUI Components”探讨了图形用户界面组件的使用。 6. 第6章“Using Table Views”讲解如何利用表格视图展示数据。 7. 第7章“Cocoa Bindings”介绍了Cocoa绑定机制,用于简化数据模型和界面之间的连接。 8. 第8章“CoreData Basics”介绍了Core Data的基本概念和用法。 9. 第9章“CoreData Relationships”深入到Core Data的关系模型。 10. 第10章“Search and Retrieve CoreData with Criteria”教授如何根据条件搜索和检索Core Data数据。 11. 第11章“Windows, Menus, and Sheets”涵盖了窗口、菜单和表单的使用。 12. 第12章“Document-Based Applications”讲解了文档基础的应用程序开发。 13. 第13章“Exceptions, Signals, Errors, and Debugging”涵盖了异常处理、信号、错误和调试技巧。 14. 第14章“Drawing in Cocoa”介绍了Cocoa中的图形绘制。 15. 第15章“Advanced Drawing Topics”深入到高级绘图主题。 16. 第16章“Working with Files”教授如何在Cocoa中处理文件操作。 17. 第17章“C...”(章节内容不完整,但可推断为继续讨论其他相关主题)。 通过阅读本书,读者将能够熟练掌握Cocoa编程,从而开发出功能丰富的Mac应用程序。
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Learn Cocoa on the Mac by Jack Nutting, David Mark and Jeff LaMarche The Cocoa frameworks are some of the most powerful frameworks for creating native desktop applications available on any platform today, and Apple gives them away, along with the Xcode development environment, for free! However, for a first-time Mac developer, just firing up Xcode and starting to browse the documentation can be a daunting task. The Objective-C class reference documentation alone would fill thousands of printed pages, not to mention all the other tutorials and guides included with Xcode. Where do you start? Which classes are you going to need to use? How do you use Xcode and the rest of the tools? This book answers these questions and more, helping you find your way through the jungle of classes, tools, and new concepts so that you can get started on the next great Mac OS X application today. Jack Nutting is your guide through this forest; he's lived here for years, and he'll show you which boulder to push, which vine to chop, and which stream to float across in order to make it through. You will learn not only how to use the components of this rich framework, but also which of them fit together, and why. What you’ll learn How to actually make your own Cocoa applications—this is much more than just a quick introduction to Cocoa! Which classes, of the dozens included in Cocoa, are truly central to Cocoa development How to best use MVC architecture concepts in a Cocoa application How the various pieces of the Cocoa frameworks fit with each other and into the MVC architecture Which parts of Cocoa truly enable “visual programming”, letting you reap the benefits of proven, reusable code libraries that Apple gives you for free How to recognize recurring design patterns used throughout Cocoa, and put them to proper use in your own code How to approach Cocoa from different programming environments How to use the facilities provided in Snow Leopard to create software that distributes itself automatically among all available CPUs, improving the user experience for your users.