
0 下载量 64 浏览量 更新于2024-01-27 收藏 600KB DOC 举报
本报告以"猴子选大王"为题,采用循环链表及动态存储的方式实现了该功能。报告首先介绍了课程设计的摘要,包括引言和需求分析。然后对问题进行了分析,并进行了总体设计。接着进行了概要设计,包括模块分析和链表循环输入删除输出等内容。在具体实现上,通过使用数据结构中的循环链表和动态存储,成功完成了猴子选大王的功能。整个设计过程中,充分考虑了程序的可扩展性和健壮性,以及对用户友好的需求。最后,本报告对课程设计进行了总结,总体效果良好。 Overall, this report presents the implementation of "The Monkey King" using circular linked lists and dynamic storage. The report first introduces the abstract of the course design, including the introduction and requirements analysis. Then, the problem is analyzed and overall design is conducted. Next, a brief design is conducted, including module analysis and circular linked list input, delete, and output. In the specific implementation, the functionality of "The Monkey King" was successfully completed by using the circular linked list and dynamic storage in data structure. Throughout the design process, full consideration was given to the scalability, robustness of the program, and user-friendly requirements. Finally, this report summarizes the course design, with overall positive results.