1.27% and occurs in the 20 cm section at the lowest quality and heat flux.
the heat flux (heat
transferred) increases,
decreases as described previously because the amount
vapor is
increasing. The maximum
shown in Figure
is 0.094% and occurs at the lowest
mass flux
101.4 kg/(m2.s). As the mass flux increases,
decreases because
increases at a greater rate than
Transient EHD Enhancement
The application
EHD forces to the convective boiling process enhanced and even sup-
pressed heat transfer when compared to heat transfer without EHD. All the results published in
the literature as weil as the data given in this paper
far have been at steady state. Several inter-
esting observations were made when real-time temperature measurements were observed imme-
diately after applying the electric fields. The most profound behavior in the evaporator
temperatures was recorded with R-404A in the smooth tube at
25OC, when
were applied at 15
after the system had reached steady state without EHD. When
were applied, the evaporator outlet refrigerant temperature began to rise rapidly. Then, after a
time lag, the same occurred for the evaporator inlet refrigerant temperature. This indicates that
EHD forces were initially enhancing heat transfer upon the application of 15 kV. However, the
enhancement eventually decayed and resulted in suppression, as indicated by a lower saturation
temperature after
min. This behavior was also influenced by mass flux, as shown in Figure 9.
The highest initial enhancement appears to occur between
of 248.0 and 299.6 kg/(m2.s) and it
decreases to the point of suppression upon application of 15 kV at
=102.4 kg/(m2.s), with the
change in quality of approximately
0.60. It is important to note that the change in quality was
measured after the system reached steady state, which occurred after the
80 min mark shown in
Figure 9. The quality and saturation conditions were changing substantially during the time
before the 80 min mark.
The water reservoir temperature, local surface temperatures, refngerant temperature, refriger-
ant pressure, and the section pressure drop
a function
time for the
cm and 50 cm test
section locations are shown in Figures 10 and
respectively, for
299.6 kg/(m2.s). From
these figures, the initiai enhancement can easily be detected on each test section location. The
initial enhancement is most pronounced on the top of the tube at each location. The tube surface
temperature at the bottom does not change significantly, and after 3600
(60 min) there is stili a
small enhancement. After 60 min at the top of the tube, suppression has started to occur, with the
greatest occurring in the
cm section. There
also suppression starting in the middle of the
tube in the
cm section after 60 min. The rapid decrease in the pressure drop in both the 30 and
50 cm test sections is misleading, because the refrigerant saturation pressure is rising rapidly
because of the sudden increase in absorbed energy. This is shown in both Figures 10 and
where the pressure-drop decay coincides with the saturation pressure rise. The fluctuation in the
two-phase pressure-drop signal is substantial. This is common for two-phase flow; however, it
increases the difficulty in measuring the pressure drop. The instantaneous pressure-drop mea-
surements in two-phase flow vary significantly because of the flow regime structure and the
application of EHD forces. The following conjectures are presented to explain the enhancement:
Upon the application of 15 kV, the EHD forces start to influence the liquid-vapor interface.
This influence can result in liquid attraction toward the energized electrode at the center of the
tube and/or instabilities at the liquid-vapor interface. The vapor bubbles, as they are formed,
will also be forced to the tube wall.
Initially, the instabilities and liquid and vapor motion can lead to heat transfer enhancement.
The instabilities and liquid motion can thin the liquid layer near the wall, promoting greater
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