第 3 7 卷 第 1 期
2 0 1 4 年 2 月
Transactions of Atmospheric Sciences
Vol.37 No.1
滕华超,杨军,刘端阳,等.2014.基于W R F 和一维雾模式的能见度集合预报的个例研究[J].大气科学学报,37(1):99-107.
Teng Hua-chao, Yang Jun,Liu Duan-yang,et al.2014.Ensemble forecast of visibility based on W RF and one-dimensional fog model:A case study[ J].
Trans Atmos Sci,37(1) :99-107.(in Chinese)
基于 W RF和一维雾模式的能见度集合预报的个例研究
滕 华 超 ,杨 军 ,刘 端 阳 ,郑炜
摘要:利 用 W R F ( weather research and forecasting)中尺度模式为一维辐射雾模式P A F O G 提供扰动
场 ,构建了一个有3 0 个成员的辐射雾集合预报系统。对 2 0 0 7 年 1 2 月 13— 1 4 日南京地区一次典
生在夜间,且模式需要一定时间达到稳定,本方法 中一维 模式在1 4 : 0 0 启动预报效果最好,集合预
报成员与实测值的标准差平均值为0.516 k m ,集合平均值的平均预报绝对误差为0.287 k m 。
中图分类号:P421. 1 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1674-7097(2014)01-0099-09
Ensemble forecast of visibility based on WRF
and one-dimensional fog model : A case study
TE N G Hu a - cha o ,Y A N G J u n ,L I U D ua n -y a ng ,Z H E N G W e i
(School of Atmospheric Physics,NUIST,Nanjing 210044,China)
Abstract : A n ensemble fog forecast system was designed based on W R F and a high resolution
numerical 1-D model called P A F O G ,whose initial perturbation conditions were obtained from the simu
lation of W R F . Comparison between prediction and observation was made during a typical radiation fog
event that occurred in Nanjing during 13一 14 December 2007. The results show the ensemble forecast
system is better than single forecast.By using this metho d ,the predictions for both visibility on surface
and vertical structure of fog are better than those utilizing the model only initialized by radiosonde ob-
servation.The initial time of simulation played an important role in prediction accuracy.Because most ra
diation fog occurs at night and it takes some time for the model to stabilize,the best time to start the
one-dimensional model is 14:00.The standard deviation between ensemble m emb er and observation is
0. 516 and the absolute error of ensemble average is 0. 287 km.
K e y w o r ds :radiation fog;numerical simulation;ensemble forecast;Nanjing
0 引言
来的低能见度天气使水、陆 、空安全事故频繁发生,
重要意义。雾的生消发 展是微物理过程、热力学过
充分认识和准确分 析之 上。在客观预报发展的初
期 ,主观预报方法往往能获得更好的预报结果。随
通信作者:滕华超,硕士,研究方向为中小尺度数值模拟,2008thc@ gmail.com.