精通Java 7并发编程:实战指南

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"Java 7 Concurrency Cookbook 是一本专注于Java多线程编程的书籍,它深入探讨了如何高效地管理并行应用的各个方面。这本书涵盖了线程管理、线程同步技术、Executors服务、Fork/Join框架、线程安全的并发集合、自定义并发类以及测试高并发应用的方法。书中提供了大量实用的编程技巧和解决方案,通过对比和分析不同策略的优缺点,帮助读者不仅掌握API的使用,还能够提升在并发编程中的思考和设计能力。" 本书的核心知识点包括: 1. **线程管理**:讲解如何创建和控制Java线程,包括线程的生命周期、线程的启动与停止,以及线程优先级和线程组的概念。 2. **线程同步**:深入讨论了synchronized关键字的使用,包括同步方法和同步块,以及死锁、活锁和饥饿等并发问题的预防和解决策略。 3. **Executors线程执行器**:介绍Java 5引入的Executor框架,用于更灵活和高效的线程管理,包括ThreadPoolExecutor、ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor和SingleThreadExecutor等。 4. **Fork/Join框架**:这是一个用于并行处理大型任务的框架,基于分治策略,适用于可以分解为子任务的问题。 5. **并发集合的线程安全**:详细阐述了ConcurrentHashMap、CopyOnWriteArrayList、ConcurrentLinkedQueue等并发集合的特性和使用场景,以及它们如何保证线程安全。 6. **定制并发类**:指导读者如何根据需求创建自定义的线程安全类,包括使用Lock接口、Condition对象和原子变量类(如AtomicInteger、AtomicLong)。 7. **测试高并发应用**:提供了针对并发程序的测试方法,包括压力测试、性能调优和故障排查。 通过学习这本书,开发者可以更好地理解Java多线程编程的原理,从而在实际项目中编写出更稳定、更高效的并发代码。书中提供的实践示例和案例研究有助于将理论知识转化为实践经验,对于提升Java并发编程能力具有重要意义。
2014-09-23 上传
When you work with a computer, you can do several things at once. You can hear music while you edit a document in a word processor and read your e-mail. This can be done because your operating system allows the concurrency of tasks. Concurrent programming is about the elements and mechanisms a platform offers to have multiple tasks or programs running at once and communicate with each other to exchange data or to synchronize with each other. Java is a concurrent platform and offers a lot of classes to execute concurrent tasks inside a Java program. With each version, Java increases the functionalities offered to programmers to facilitate the development of concurrent programs. This book covers the most important and useful mechanisms included in Version 7 of the Java concurrency API, so you will be able to use them directly in your applications, which are as follows: f f t e n . d u o l Basic thread management w.codec w w Thread synchronization mechanisms f f Thread creation and management delegation with executors f f Fork/Join framework to enhance the performance of your application f f Data structures for concurrent programs f f Adapting the default behavior of some concurrency classes to your needs f f Testing Java concurrency applications f f What this book covers Chapter 1, Thread Management will teach the readers how to make basic operations with threads. Creation, execution, and status management of the threads are explained through basic examples. Chapter 2, Basic Thread Synchronization will teach the readers to use the low-level Java mechanisms to synchronize a code. Locks and the synchronized keyword are explained in detail. Chapter 3, Thread Synchronization Utilities will teach the readers to use the high-level utilities of Java to manage the synchronization between the threads in Java. It includes an explanation of how to use the new Java 7 Phaser class to synchronize tasks divided into phases. Chapter 4, Thread Executors will teach the readers to delegate the thread management to executors. They allow running, managing, and getting the results of concurrent tasks. Chapter 5, Fork/Join Framework will teach the readers to use the new Java 7 Fork/Join framework. It’s a special kind of executor oriented to execute tasks that will be divided into smaller ones using the divide and conquer technique. Chapter 6, Concurrent Collections will teach the readers to how to use some concurrent data structures provided by the Java language. These data structures must be used in concurrent programs to avoid the use of synchronized blocks of code in their implementation. Chapter 7, Customizing Concurrency Classes will teach the readers how to adapt some of the most useful classes of the Java concurrency API to their needs. Chapter 8, Testing Concurrent Applications will teach the readers how to obtain information about the status of some of the most useful structures of the Java 7 concurrency API. The readers will also learn how to use some free tools to debug concurrent applications, such as the Eclipse, NetBeans IDE, or FindBugs applications to detect possible bugs on their applications.