microstructural origin for mechanical and electrical properties.
For example, moderately crystalline P3HT is more flexible and
ductile than highly crystalline PBTTT. The field-effect mobility
ratio of transistors comprising these two polymers is very simi-
lar to their elastic modulus ratio, shown in Figure 1.
In light
of the success in engineering desired mechanical properties of
polyolefins, we believe that many opportunities exist not only to
establish empirical correlations between mechanical and electri-
cal properties, like the mobility–modulus relationship men-
tioned above, but also to shed light on the underlying structural
origin and polymer physics for charge transport.
This review
highlights how these ideas and frameworks have been
leveraged—and in some other cases extended—to gain insights
on how polymer microstructure impacts charge transport in
conjugated polymers. For instance, long polymer chains have
the ability of bridging adjacent crystallites; such chains are
known as polymer tie chains. The presence of tie chains
strongly influences the resistance to slow crack growth in poly-
ethylene resins.
By extension, the presence of tie chains that
connect neighboring crystallites has been recently shown to also
play a critical role on charge transport in P3HT. Although direct
visualization of tie chains remains challenging, this extension
allows estimation of tie-chain fraction in P3HT, establishing the
concept of a critical threshold of tie-chain connectivity that is
required for macroscopic charge transport in P3HT.
In this review, we aim to assess the polymer physics of multi-
scale charge transport in conjugated systems. We first describe
the microstructural features of conjugated polymers across mul-
tiple length scales that can influence charge transport. We then
assess a plethora of literature that has examined the structure–
electrical property relationships of conjugated polymers,
highlighting both empirical and theoretical studies aimed at
identifying the governing molecular characteristics and struc-
tural features for charge transport. We seek to draw insights
from these collective studies to understand the underlying
charge-transport mechanisms in such complex systems and pro-
pose design rules accordingly. Although there exist transistors
comprising many other more exotic polymers whose mobilities
are higher than those of P3HT transistors, the abundance of
literature on this model polymer system allows for a more in-
depth analysis of structure–property relationships. Many impor-
tant physical parameters, which are not available for most other
conjugated polymers, have been characteri zed for P3HT, includ-
ing its persistence length (3 nm),
monomer length
(0.39 nm),
equilibrium melting temperature (272
enthalpy of fusion of a perfect crystal (49 J g
and so on. As
a result, much of our discussion will be focused on P3HT. None-
theless, we point out differences between P3HT and other con-
jugated polymers where appropriate. Finally, we discuss
materials design rules and processing guidelines that have sur-
faced from these collective works for improving charge trans-
port and propose opportunities for further progress. This
review focuses on charge transport in homopolymers. We refer
the readers to other reviews for a comprehensive discussion of
polymer blends and block copolymers explored for their
FIGURE 1 Comparison of the field effect mobility and elastic
modulus of P3HT, as-cast pBTTT (pBTTT-AC), and annealed
pBTTT (pBTTT-AN) films. Inset, the mobility and elastic modulus
of a semicrystalline polymer with increasing percent
crystallinity, based on composite theories of charge transport
and elastic modulus with two distinct values for the amorphous
, E
) and crystalline (μ
, E
) portions of the films. Reprinted
with permission from (ACS Nano 2010, 4, 7538–7544). Copyright
(2010) American Chemical Society.
Kaichen Gu received his B.A. and M.Eng. in Chemical Engineering from the University of
Cambridge in 2015. He is currently a Ph.D. candidate, advised by Prof. Yueh-Lin Loo, in the
Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering at Princeton University. His research
work focuses on the elucidation of charge-transport mechanisms in semiconducting conju-
gated polymer thin films.
Yueh-Lin Loo is the Theodora D. ’78 and Willliam H. Walton III ’74 Professor in Engineering
and director of the Andlinger Center for Energy and the Environment at Princeton Univer-
sity. Her group is interested in the processing and structural development of materials for
lightweight and flexible solar cells and circuits, the combination is explored for self-powered
“smart” windows to increase occupant comfort, building and energy efficiencies. She is a
Fellow of the American Physical Society.