
0 下载量 197 浏览量 更新于2024-03-26 收藏 5MB PDF 举报
Cardiorespiratory fitness is a crucial indicator of overall health, with a direct correlation to the risk of chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease. However, traditional methods of evaluating cardiorespiratory fitness are often costly, require specialized equipment, and can be physically demanding. In response to these limitations, a new system utilizing electrocardiogram (ECG) signals for cardiorespiratory fitness assessment has been developed. This system aims to provide a more accessible and user-friendly method of evaluating cardiorespiratory fitness, particularly in public health settings. By analyzing ECG signals, the system can accurately assess an individual's cardiorespiratory fitness level, providing valuable insights into their overall health and risk of chronic diseases. The development of this innovative system represents a significant step towards making cardiorespiratory fitness assessment more accessible and cost-effective for a wider range of individuals.

import wfdb import numpy as np import os import cv2 from PIL import Image import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # 设置数据集路径 data_path = 'mit-bih-arrhythmia-database-1.0.0/' # 设置输出路径 output_path = 'ImageMITBIH/' N_beats_pos = [] A_beats_pos = [] V_beats_pos = [] F_beats_pos = [] L_beats_pos = [] R_beats_pos = [] qita_beats_pos = [] # 读取数据集中所有记录的文件名 records = wfdb.get_record_list('mitdb') print('file list =', records) # 循环遍历每个记录文件 for record in records: print('\n') print('Processing record:', record) # 读取记录文件中的信号和标注信息 all_signals, fields = wfdb.rdsamp(os.path.join(data_path, record)) signals = [x[0] for x in all_signals] annotations = wfdb.rdann(os.path.join(data_path, record), 'atr') print('signals =', signals) print('signals_amount =', len(signals)) print('fields =', fields) print('annotations =', annotations) # 获取每个心拍的位置和类别 beats_pos = annotations.sample beats_labels = annotations.symbol print('beats_pos =', beats_pos) print('pos_amount =', len(beats_pos)) print('beats_labels =', beats_labels) print('labels_amount =', len(beats_labels)) print('labels_forms =', list(set(beats_labels))) for i in range(len(beats_labels)): if beats_labels[i] == 'N': # 正常心拍 N_beats_pos.append(beats_pos[i]) if beats_labels[i] == 'A': # 房性早搏 A_beats_pos.append(beats_pos[i]) if beats_labels[i] == 'V': # 室性早搏 V_beats_pos.append(beats_pos[i]) if beats_labels[i] == 'F': # 室性融合波 F_beats_pos.append(beats_pos[i]) if beats_labels[i] == 'L': # 左束传导受阻 L_beats_pos.append(beats_pos[i]) if beats_labels[i] == 'R': # 右束传导受阻 R_beats_pos.append(beats_pos[i]) else: # 其他异常心拍或无效信号 qita_beats_pos.append(beats_pos[i])解释每一句的意思

2023-05-25 上传