
0 下载量 44 浏览量 更新于2024-03-08 收藏 154KB DOC 举报
ention to food safety and the freshness of ingredients. In big cities, the fast pace of life has made chain supermarkets one of the main channels for people to get fresh products. It is well known that fresh products are perishable and require high preservation conditions, and they need to be kept at low temperatures during the transportation process, forming a "cold chain" from production to sales. The operation and management level of the cold chain logistics in chain supermarkets directly affects the quality of fresh products. This study focuses on the cold chain logistics of fresh products in Yi Jia Yi chain supermarket. Through a survey and analysis of the current operation status of the cold chain logistics of fresh products in Yi Jia Yi chain supermarket, this paper analyzes the purchasing mode, business management, warehousing management, distribution route planning, and information technology problems in its cold chain logistics. It proposes targeted optimization solutions and uses the Dijkstra algorithm for the shortest path in the distribution route planning. By improving the operation level of the cold chain logistics of fresh products in Yi Jia Yi chain supermarket, the company can establish a good reputation among consumers and enhance its competitive advantage in the industry. The optimized cold chain logistics will also help Yi Jia Yi stand out in the market. This study aims to provide valuable insights and practical solutions for the improvement of cold chain logistics in chain supermarkets, contributing to the overall enhancement of food safety and quality. Keywords: chain supermarket, fresh products, cold chain logistics.