need to be further investigated. Finally, when the aperture length
is adjusted to 26 mm and r
is 13 mm, a good impedance
matching for the ultrawide bandwidth was achieved in this
study. Figure 5 shows the simulated field distributions on the
slot region at different resonating frequencies. The current distri-
bution demonstrates that the proposed antenna can generate mul-
tiple resonating modes to achieve an UWB.
In this study the proposed antenna shown in Figure 2 was con-
structed and tested. Figure 6(a) shows the photograph of the
actual folded transmission line and the proposed antenna. The
folded antenna was printed on two sides of a 1.6 mm thick FR4
substrate with a ground size of 30.3 mm 40 mm. The geomet-
ric sizes for the tapered-curved slot antenna folded with two
half-ellipse-shaped planes were R
(26 mm 13 mm) and
(15 mm 8.25 mm), respectively. The folded transmis-
sion line fed from the edge was 10 mm long with a sidewall
strip width of 1.6 mm, the same as the substrate’s thickness, and
the gap distance g of the folded CPW was 0.3 mm.
The experiments were performed using an Agilent HP8363-
PNA network analyzer. The simulation was performed using
HFSS software. The SMA connector was also included in the
simulation model. Figure 6(b) shows the measured and simu-
lated reflection coefficient of the folded UWB antenna. When
comparing the measured and simulated results, our findings
show that the measured bandwidth of the folded slot antenna
ranges from 2.87 GHz to 11 GHz. The measured bandwidth is
more than 8.13 GHz with a reflection coefficient of less than
10 dB. The peak resonant points are at 3.11, 4.43, 7.10, 8.92,
and 10.31 GHz, respectively. The simulated results show an 8
GHz bandwidth, which ranges from 3 GHz to 11 GHz, and the
peak resonant points are at 3.23, 3.98, 6.35, 8.68, and 10.13
GHz, respectively. The difficulties of manufacturing this antenna
result in some unavoidable errors at the resonating frequencies
and some shift in frequencies, however, the behavior of the
simulated and measured results are similar.
Figure 7 shows the peak gains of the measured folded slot
antenna. The antenna gain was measured in the anechoic cham-
ber of NTUST, Taiwan, using a standard double-ridge horn
antenna (EMCO 3115). Our findings indicate that the gain of
the UWB antenna increases in an approximately linear fashion,
but there is some variation over the entire bandwidth from 3
GHz to 10 GHz, reaching the maximum at 10 GHz. The maxi-
mum gain is about 9 dBi and the minimum gain is about 3 dBi.
The radiation patterns for the novel folded slot antenna were
also investigated. The antenna was measured at both vertical
and horizontal polarization on the E-plane (XZ-plane) and H-
plane (YZ-plane). Figure 8(a) shows the measured E-plane (XZ-
plane) radiation patterns for the proposed folded slot antenna at
3 and 7 GHz, respectively. Figure 8(b) shows the measured H-
plane (YZ-plane) radiation patterns at 3 and 7 GHz, respectively.
The measured radiation patterns on the E-plane and H-plane are
nearly omni-directional at 3 and 7 GHz, respectively, and the
nulls appear at higher frequency bands. The patterns seem to be
slightly asymmetrical because of the folding.
This article presented a novel planar folded type antenna with
curved radiating slots fed by a folded CPW transmission line for
UWB system applications. The measured results confirm that
the folded transmission line remains a 50-X transmission line.
The performance of the proposed folded antenna was theoreti-
cally investigated using HFSS software. To validate the pro-
posed design, this study performed some parameter measure-
ments. The experimental results compared with the simulation
results demonstrated that the folded slot antenna preserves the
UWB characteristics.
The authors are grateful to the National Center for High-perform-
ance Computing for the computer time and the use of the facilities.
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2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Zhigang Wang, Peng Wu, Bo Yan, Yunchuan Guo, Ruimin Xu,
and Weigan Lin
School of Electronic Engineering, University of Electronic Science
and Technology of China, Chengdu 610054, People’s Republic of
China; Corresponding author: or
Received 5 November 2009
ABSTRACT: This article proposes a compact multilayer band-pass
filter based on low-temperature co-fired ceramic (LTCC) technology.
The filter is constructed using U-type stepped impedance resonators
(SIR) with microstrip input and output ports. To validate the proposed
filter, a three-order X-band Chebyshev band-pass filter is developed and
verified by full-wave simulation. The proposed filter is fabricated using
multilayer LTCC technology and measured using vector network
analyzer (VNA). Covering area of the fabricated band-pass filter is only
DOI 10.1002/mop MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS / Vol. 52, No. 8, August 2010 1877