
0 下载量 170 浏览量 更新于2024-03-28 1 收藏 1.35MB PDF 举报
Single-chip microcontroller (SCM) has been highly valued and focused on by people since the 1970s due to its high cost-effectiveness and convenience. In this design, the msp430f249 chip is selected as the control chip to realize the control of the LED digital tube display by the matrix keyboard. Through the internal control of the single-chip microcontroller, the hardware circuit design is implemented, thereby realizing the detection and recognition of the 4x4 matrix keyboard. The P3 port of the single-chip microcontroller is connected to the 4x4 matrix keyboard, with P3.0-P3.3 port as the keyboard input column line, and P3.4-P3.7 port as the keyboard input row line. Then, the P0.0-P0.7 is used as the output line, and different characters "0-F" are displayed on the display through pull-up resistance. The software program is added to control this design based on the hardware circuit. The working process is as follows: first determine if a key is pressed, if no key is pressed, continue to detect the entire program, if a key is pressed, identify which key is pressed, and finally display the corresponding number of the key pressed on the LED digital tube. Keywords: Single-chip microcontroller, shift register, digital tube, control system SCM.