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资源摘要信息:"round-to:将数字四舍五入到小数点后一位" 在编程中,对数字进行四舍五入是常见的需求,它可以帮助我们处理结果的精度,使得输出更加符合实际应用场景。npm是一个JavaScript的包管理器,它能够帮助开发者下载、安装、管理代码包。本资源是一个名为“round-to”的npm包,它的功能是提供了一个简单的方法来将数字四舍五入到指定的小数位数。这个包不仅支持正数的四舍五入,还支持对负数精度的四舍五入,以及无限精度的四舍五入。 使用方法非常简单,首先需要通过npm安装round-to包,然后使用require函数导入到你的JavaScript项目中。导入之后,可以使用roundTo函数来实现四舍五入的功能。 roundTo函数的基本用法是roundTo(数字, 精度),其中“数字”是要进行四舍五入的原始数字,“精度”则是指你希望保留的小数位数。如果精度为正,则表示四舍五入到小数点后的某一位;如果精度为负,则表示四舍五入到小数点前的某一位;如果精度为Infinity,则表示不会进行四舍五入,保留数字的全部精度。 此外,round-to包还提供了两个额外的方法:roundTo.up和roundTo.down。这两个方法分别用来实现向上和向下取整,它们同样接受两个参数:要处理的数字和精度。 例如,当调用roundTo(1.234, 2)时,结果会是1.23;调用roundTo.up(1.234, 2)时,结果会是1.24;调用roundTo.down(1.234, 2)时,结果会是1.23。如果调用roundTo(1234.56, -2),则会得到1200。而当调用roundTo(0.***, Infinity)时,结果就是0.***。 在JavaScript中,四舍五入的操作对于处理财务计算、数据统计以及用户界面显示等方面特别有用。对于需要精确控制数字输出的场景,round-to包提供了一个有效的解决方案。 在编写代码时,应该注意如何正确地使用这个包。比如,你需要确保在调用round-to包的方法前,先执行了npm安装命令,以确保包能够被正确地引入到你的项目中。此外,你还应该考虑到在不同JavaScript环境中的兼容性问题,比如在某些老旧浏览器或者环境中可能需要额外的polyfill来支持。 最后,对于开发者而言,需要理解在使用round-to包时,如果不正确地使用参数,可能导致非预期的结果。因此,应该通过适当的测试来验证四舍五入的结果是否符合预期,特别是在涉及到精度要求较高的财务计算时。 综上所述,round-to是一个简单的JavaScript工具,能够帮助开发者更方便地控制数字的精度,从而在多种应用场景中,实现数字的精确四舍五入。这个包小巧且易于使用,非常适合那些需要进行数字精度控制的项目。

7-3 Score Processing 分数 10 作者 翁恺 单位 浙江大学 Write a program to process students score data. The input of your program has lines of text, in one of the two formats: Student's name and student id, as <student id>, <name>, and Score for one student of one course, as <student id>, <course name>, <marks>. Example of the two formats are: 3190101234, Zhang San 3190101111, Linear Algebra, 89.5 Comma is used as the seperator of each field, and will never be in any of the fields. Notice that there are more than one word for name of the person and name of the course. To make your code easier, the score can be treated as double. The number of the students and the number of the courses are not known at the beginning. The number of lines are not known at the beginning either. The lines of different format appear in no order. One student may not get enrolled in every course. Your program should read every line in and print out a table of summary in .csv format. The first line of the output is the table head, consists fields like this: student id, name, <course name 1>, <course name 2>, ..., average where the course names are all the courses read, in alphabet order. There should be one space after each comma. Then each line of the output is data for one student, in the ascended order of their student id, with score of each course, like: 3190101234, Zhang San, 85.0, , 89.5, , , 87.3 For the course that hasn't been enrolled, leave a blank before the comma, and should not get included in the average. The average has one decimal place. There should be one space after each comma. And the last line of the output is a summary line for average score of every course, like: , , 76.2, 87.4, , , 76.8 All the number output, including the averages have one decimal place. Input Format As described in the text above. Output Format As described in the text above. The standard output is generated by a program compiled by gcc, that the round of the first decimal place is in the "gcc way". Sample Input 3180111435, Operating System, 34.5 3180111430, Linear Algebra, 80 3180111435, Jessie Zhao 3180111430, Zhiwen Yang 3180111430, Computer Architecture, 46.5 3180111434, Linear Algebra, 61.5 3180111434, Anna Teng Sample Output student id, name, Computer Architecture, Linear Algebra, Operating System, average 3180111430, Zhiwen Yang, 46.5, 80.0, , 63.2 3180111434, Anna Teng, , 61.5, , 61.5 3180111435, Jessie Zhao, , , 34.5, 34.5 , , 46.5, 70.8, 34.

2023-06-06 上传