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"这篇论文探讨了机器学习(Machine Learning,ML)在面部和文本分析中的应用,特别是将无监督的主题建模与监督式机器学习编码方法结合,用于神经网络算法对CEO口头沟通的分析。作者包括Prithwiraj (Raj) Choudhury、Natalie A. Carlson、Dan Wang和Tarun Khanna,论文初稿于2018年发布。" 在当前的信息时代,机器学习已经成为处理大量文本和图像数据的强大工具。这篇论文的核心在于提出了一种新的方法,它融合了两种不同的机器学习技术:无监督的话题建模和监督式的机器学习编码。无监督的话题建模主要用于处理非结构化的文本数据,通过算法自动识别并提取文本中的主题或模式,无需预先标记的数据。这种方法对于理解大规模文本库中的隐藏信息和趋势非常有用,例如在分析CEO的口头沟通时,可以揭示其讲话中的主要关注点和策略方向。 另一方面,监督式机器学习编码则是利用神经网络算法对面部图像进行分析。这种技术通常涉及深度学习,能够识别和分类图像中的特征,如面部表情、情绪或特定的人脸。在本研究中,这可能被用来分析CEO的面部表情,以理解他们的情绪状态、信心水平或公开演讲时的非语言信号。 将这两种方法结合起来,研究人员能够更全面地理解CEO的沟通方式。文本分析揭示了口头表达的内容,而面部图像分析则提供了非言语交流的线索,这在战略研究中是至关重要的,因为它可以帮助理解领导者的真实意图和对公司未来的影响。这种方法的应用不仅限于CEO沟通,还可以扩展到其他领域,如员工满意度调查、消费者行为分析,甚至在安全监控等领域,通过分析面部表情来预测潜在的行为或情感反应。 这篇论文展示了机器学习在跨领域数据分析中的潜力,特别是在文本和图像的深度融合上。通过这种方法,可以提升我们对复杂人类行为的理解,为决策者提供更深入的洞见,并可能推动新的研究方向和业务实践。
2017-11-22 上传
Statistical Reinforcement Learning: Modern Machine Learning Approaches Masashi Sugiyama Taylor & Francis, 16 Mar 2015 - Business & Economics - 206 pages Reinforcement learning is a mathematical framework for developing computer agents that can learn an optimal behavior by relating generic reward signals with its past actions. With numerous successful applications in business intelligence, plant control, and gaming, the RL framework is ideal for decision making in unknown environments with large amounts of data. Supplying an up-to-date and accessible introduction to the field, Statistical Reinforcement Learning: Modern Machine Learning Approaches presents fundamental concepts and practical algorithms of statistical reinforcement learning from the modern machine learning viewpoint. It covers various types of RL approaches, including model-based and model-free approaches, policy iteration, and policy search methods. Covers the range of reinforcement learning algorithms from a modern perspective Lays out the associated optimization problems for each reinforcement learning scenario covered Provides thought-provoking statistical treatment of reinforcement learning algorithms The book covers approaches recently introduced in the data mining and machine learning fields to provide a systematic bridge between RL and data mining/machine learning researchers. It presents state-of-the-art results, including dimensionality reduction in RL and risk-sensitive RL. Numerous illustrative examples are included to help readers understand the intuition and usefulness of reinforcement learning techniques. This book is an ideal resource for graduate-level students in computer science and applied statistics programs, as well as researchers and engineers in related fields.