Dynamic, Recursive, Heterogeneous
Types in Statically-Typed Languages
A Presentation (20, 45 or 90 minute) for Intermediate to Advanced C++ Developers
Richard T. Saunders
Rincon Research Corporation
Clint Jeffery
University of Idaho
Today’s modern software projects are written in many different
languages: Python, C++, Perl, Java, Javascript, Lua, Unicon, C,
all co-exist within a complex environment implementing different
components of a system. This proliferation of languages causes
dynamically-typed language concepts to infiltrate statically-typed
languages. One i mportant idea that seems ubiquitous across dy-
namic languages is t he dynamic, recursive, heterogeneous dictio-
nary: the Python dict, Perl hash, Javascript object, Lua table, and
Icon/Unicon table are all realizations of this abstraction—JSON
and, to a lesser extent, XML are language-agnostic versions of the
dynamic dictionary. Statically typed languages (like C++ and Java)
historically have trouble expressing and dealing with dynamic dic-
tionaries without cl umsy libraries. This paper explores how to rep-
resent dictionaries in C++ by introducing a simple, novel solution
for dealing with dynamic constructs by embracing unique static-
typing features of the C++ language: type-inference, user-defined
conversions, type selection, and overloading. Taken all together,
these static features paradoxically make dynamic dictionaries much
easier t o manipulate from C++, approaching the ease of dynamic
dictionary manipulation in dynamic languages. Note that these
techniques do not require special reflection facilities/libraries.
1. Introduction
Large software projects today are made up of many languages[20].
Performance critical code is typically written in statically-typed
languages like C/ C++ and possibly Java. Scripting and front-
end code is typically written in dynamically-typed languages like
Python, Ruby, Lua, Icon/Unicon and Javascript. This proliferation
of languages in r eal software projects has made it necessary for
information to propagate from one language to another: front-end
dynamic languages need to communicate with back-end static lan-
guages and vice-versa[4][9].
PicklingTools is a library meant to bridge the gap between static
and dynamic languages. The original goal of the PicklingTools
library was to make it easier to use Python and C++ together:
see http://www.picklingtools.com. At first, this involved getting
serialization libraries working; Python has a built-in serialization
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format, called the pickle format[21], which is the de-facto format
for Python serializati on. To talk to Python, the PicklingTools library
implemented the pickling serialization in C++. Once this was done,
serialized data could then be transported between Python and C++
via files or sockets. The information that flowed between C++
and Python was the Python dictionary; it was the currency of the
Over time, it became obvious that manipulating Python dictio-
naries in C++ is non-trivial. C++ is a statically-typed language and
Python is a dynamically-typed language: their approach to handling
hash tables and arrays is very different. If Python dictionaries are
the currency of choice, the C++ side has to be able to manipulate
these dictionaries as easily as Python for the library to be success-
ful. Originally a secondary goal, making dynamic dictionaries easy
to manipulate from C++ became a primary goal of the Pickling-
Tools library.
In Python, the dictionary (a.k.a., dict) is one of the fundamental
building blocks of the language: namespaces, modules, classes, are
all implemented using the dict; t his in t urn enables dynamic intro-
spection. Because of the ubiquity of these dictionaries in Python, or
perhaps because they are so important, dictionaries are fundamen-
tally easy to manipulate, create and read.
The Python dictionary has three main properties of interest.
1. Heterogeneous: values in dictionaries can be any type, and keys
can be almost any type (as long as they are hashable).
2. Recursive: dictionaries can contain dictionaries of dictionaries,
ad infinitum. This is closely related to heterogeneity, as t he dic-
tionary is just another type, but the recursive nature is well-
supported in Python. For example, cascading lookups and in-
sertions are easily expressible ( see below) so that nested dicts
are accessible.
3. Dynamic: the values can change at run-time. This is also closely
related to heterogeneity: values can be any type, but that type
can also vary at run-time. A C struct, in contrast, can contain
heterogeneous types, but can’t change after compile time.
Manipulating dictionaries is natural in the Python language.
# Python
>>> v = "abc"
>>> v = 1 # dynamic values
# heterogenous types in dict
>>> d = { ’a’: v, ’nest’: { ’b’: 3.14 }}
# recursive, supports cascading lookup
>>> print d[’nest’][’b’]