An Investigation of ELDRS in
Different SiGe Processes
Pei Li, Chaohui He, Hongxia Guo, Qi Guo, Jinxin Zhang, and Mohan Liu
Abstract—Enhanced low dose rate sensitivity (ELDRS) in dif-
ferent process Silicon–Germanium heterojunction bipolar tran-
sistors (SiGe HBTs) is investigated. Low and high dose rate
irradiations are performed to evaluate the ELDRS of SiGe HBTs
manufactured by Tsinghua University (THU). THU SiGe HBTs
experience significantly low dose rate sensitivity than that of
IBM 8HP SiGe HBTs and behave a “true” dose rate effect.
TCAD models were used to explicate the microcosmic structure
in THU and IBM 8HP SiGe HBTs. Comparison and discussion
show that different SiGe processes may involve different HBT
structures and device designs which are the critical influence
of ELDRS effect. The different responses of ELDRS should be
first attributed to the device structure and design in nature,
particularly the geometry of emitter–base junction and the
isolation structure.
Index Terms— Different silicon–germanium (SiGe) process,
emitter–base (EB)-spacer geometry, enhanced low dose rate
sensitivity (ELDRS), isolation structure.
ILICON–Germanium heterojunction bipolar transis-
tors (SiGe HBTs) have been widely used in the global
semiconductor electronics market with its excellent analog
and RF performance, advantages of low-cost, large-scale
integration, and high yield [1], [2]. More importantly, excellent
low-temperature performance, favorable built-in total ionizing
dose (TID) tolerance and recent improvements in single-
event effects performance via radiation hardened by design
techniques, all combine to make SiGe HBT a strong contender
for space applications in extreme environments [3]–[7].
According to the MIL-STD 883 Method 1019.7,
most TID studies involve irradiation at dose rates of
50–300 rad(SiO
)/s which is much higher than that expected
in space or many extreme environments (typically about
0.0001–0.1 rad(SiO
)/s) [8]. As a new type of bipolar
device, the scenario is a major concern for devices intended
for space environment, because the radiation tolerance of
Manuscript received February 17, 2017; revised March 14, 2017; accepted
March 17, 2017. Date of publication March 22, 2017; date of current version
May 16, 2017. This work was supported by the National Natural Science
Foundation of China under Grant 61274106, Grant 61574171, and
Grant 11575138.
P. Li, C. He, and J. Zhang are with Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049,
China (e-mail:;
H. Guo is with the Xinjiang Technical Institute of Physics & Chemistry,
CAS, Urumqi 830011, China, and also with the Northwest Institute of Nuclear
Technology, Xi’an 710024, China (e-mail:
Q. Guo and M. Liu are with the Xinjiang Technical Institute of Physics &
Chemistry, CAS, Urumqi 830011, China (e-mail:
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available
online at
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TNS.2017.2686429
susceptible devices can be drastically overestimated [9]–[13].
So, it is necessary to investigate the enhanced low dose rate
sensitivity (ELDRS) in SiGe HBTs. Previous studies have
shown that several generations of SiGe HBTs related to
ELDRS experiment are all manufactured by IBM, and the
results show that ELDRS of this SiGe process was found
to be nearly nonexistent [14], [15]. Nevertheless, different
SiGe processes may involve different HBT structures and
device designs which are the critical influences of ELDRS
effect. To date, no studies on ELDRS for different fabricated
SiGe HBTs have been published.
Thus, in this paper, a
Co-γ irradiation experiment is per-
formed to investigate the ELDRS effect for SiGe HBTs man-
ufactured by Tsinghua University (THU). Compared with the
ELDRS studies of IBM SiGe HBTs reported in [15] and [16],
THU SiGe HBTs experience significantly low dose rate sen-
sitivity than that of IBM SiGe HBTs and exhibit a “true”
dose rate effect. The different responses of ELDRS should
be first attributed to the device structure and design in nature,
particularly the geometry of emitter and base, the thickness
of emitter–base (EB) spacer, and the structure of oxide layer.
A discussion is provided to explore the impact of EB-spacer
geometry and isolation structure on ELDRS in different SiGe
A. Device Descriptions
The devices investigated in this paper are designed and fab-
ricated by THU and IBM 8HP process, respectively. Fig. 1(a)
shows the cross section of SiGe HBTs manufactured by THU,
and its basic structure is similar to the bulk silicon vertical
NPN bipolar transistor. The collector contact is routed through
a heavily doped n+ buried layer, and the p+ epitaxial base
is grown above the local oxidation of silicon (LOCOS). The
doping concentration of intrinsic base is about 1× 10
and the content of Ge gradually changes from 0% to 20%
at the emitter–base and base–collector junctions. The doping
concentration of emitter is 1.5×10
, and the dimension
of each emitter finger is 0.4 μm × 20 μm. A ring wall of
the heavily doped boron leads out substrate contact near the
edge of the device, and the emitter and substrate are connected
together via metal interconnection [17]. Fig. 1(b) shows the
2-D cross section of IBM SiGe HBTs fabricated by IBM 8HP
technology, and the process starts with the formation of a
heavily arsenic-doped subcollector buried layer formed by ion
implantation, on top of which a lightly doped epitaxial layer
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