Comp. Anim. Virtual Worlds
Published online in Wiley Online Library ( DOI: 10.1002/cav.1675
Topology-aware moving least square deformation for
2D characters
XunWang,WenwuYang*, Wangbin Kou, Bailin Yang and Guozheng Wang
School of Computer Information Engineering, Zhejiang Gongshang University, Hangzhou, 310018, China
Deformation method based on moving least squares (MLS) allows the user to manipulate 2D characters using either sets
of points or line segments in real time. However, the traditional MLS deformation spreads the deformation of the controls
with respect to the spatial distance, but oblivious to the shape topology, which would possibly lead to distortion. In this
paper, we present a topology-aware MLS deformation approach for 2D characters. First, a Laplace equation is solved to
obtain a set of weights, which are called harmonic weights. Then, the MLS deformation is performed by using the harmonic
weights as the deformation influence of the user-specified controls. Finally, the possible distortion in the traditional MLS
deformation can be effectively avoided, as the harmonic weights spread the deformation of the controls in a localized and
topology-aware way. In addition, a simple but effective area-preserving variant of MLS deformation is proposed, which is
suitable for the editing of incompressible objects. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
shape deformation; two-dimensional character animation; moving least squares; harmonic weights
Supporting information may be found in the online version of this article.
Wenwu Yang, School of Computer Information Engineering, Zhejiang Gongshang University, Hangzhou, 310018, China.
The two-dimensional deformation, which allows the user
to edit and manipulate image or plane shape intuitively, has
been widely used in two-dimensional animation and image
editing to represent moving objects of changing shape.
Nowadays, this tool can be commonly found in commer-
cial software for video editing or 2D character animation
[1], such as Adobe After Effects, Adobe Flash, or Toon
Boom Studio. Recently, many deformation methods that
are based on energy optimization have been introduced
[2–5]. In these methods, the user is typically allowed to
manipulate the shape by placing several handles on the
shape and then moving the handles. By minimizing the
local shape distortion, these approaches generate physi-
cally plausible deformation results, making the user have
a sense of manipulating a real-world object. To achieve
high-quality results, however, these approaches require
solving a nonlinear optimization problem in general. Such
solving is computationally expensive such that the capac-
ity of real-time interactivity of these approaches is reduced
to some extent.
To address the aforementioned problem, Schaefer et al.
[6] propose an image deformation method that is based on
moving least squares (MLS). By enforcing the shape rigid-
ity, this method generates visually pleasing results. Instead
of solving a global nonlinear system, the method, however,
solves a set of much smaller local linear systems, each of
which is defined at a shape vertex. Furthermore, each of
the involved local linear systems has an analytical solution
for a 2D case. Consequently, the method is able to generate
deformations for the shape consisting of tens of thousands
of vertices in real time. The disadvantage of this method
is that it spreads the deformation of the user-specified con-
trols with respect to the Euclidean distance, oblivious to the
shape topology, which would possibly lead to inappropriate
distortion (Figure 1(b)).
In this paper, we present a 2D MLS deformation
approach, which takes into account the shape topology. The
key idea is to adopt the so-called harmonic weights as the
influence weights of the user-specified controls to the shape
points. The harmonic weights spread over the shape of
the deformation influence of the controls in a shape-aware
and localized manner. Finally, the new approach generates
visually pleasing deformation effects, where the possible
distortion in the traditional MLS deformation is effectively
avoided (Figure 1(d)).
Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.