
0 下载量 33 浏览量 更新于2024-04-19 收藏 520KB DOC 举报
This graduation project elaborates on the automatic control system of blast furnace coal injection, excluding the control of the milling process. The control scope encompasses the automatic control process from coal powder silo, intermediate tank, injection tank, injection manifold, furnace front coal powder distributor to injection branch pipe. The project only considers one coal injection sequence as the control object. The design includes the background of the topic, its origin, significance, main process types, the current development status of blast furnace coal injection technology abroad, and the outlook for future development. It discusses the required sensors, valves, switches, and other hardware devices, focusing on the control of coal powder transfer from the coal powder silo to the intermediate tank, from the intermediate tank to the injection tank, from the injection tank to the furnace air tuyere, stoppage control, pressure control of the intermediate tank and injection tank, safety interlock control of temperature and pressure in the coal powder silo, intermediate tank, and injection tank, automatic measurement of injection air pressure, and others. The design primarily involves the selection of PLC control system, hardware configuration selection, I/O table preparation, and drawing of hardware wiring diagrams. Key words: PLC; blast furnace coal injection; sensors.