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The design in this paper is about the flexible manufacturing system experimental device. It includes the design of the transmission system and the design of the rotating parts system. This graduation thesis has trained and improved the basic skills of design work, enhanced the ability to analyze and solve engineering technical problems, and created certain conditions for the design of general machinery.
The overall structure of the device mainly consists of an electric motor that generates power and transmits the required power to the lead screw through a coupling. The lead screw drives the lead screw nut, thereby driving the entire device and improving labor productivity and the level of production automation. The device has broad development prospects.
The research content of this thesis includes the overall structure design, analysis of the working performance of the flexible manufacturing system experimental device, selection of the electric motor, design of the transmission system and executive components of the flexible manufacturing system experimental device, design calculation analysis and verification of the design parts, and the assembly drawing of the entire device, assembly drawings of important components, and part drawings.
Keywords: flexible manufacturing system experimental device, coupling, ball screw.
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