
0 下载量 199 浏览量 更新于2024-04-09 收藏 2.69MB DOC 举报
The design and implementation of the single-chip microcomputer-based rice cooker electronic nanny instrument is a new type of intelligent rice cooker developed after the common household rice cooker. This intelligent rice cooker system inherits the advantages of traditional rice cookers while adding the functions of timed water filling and cooking. It can start cooking according to the set time, cook the rice thoroughly within the specified time, and automatically stop working. The design utilizes a temperature sensor DS18B20 to collect temperature data, and controls the relay switch by the single-chip microcomputer's low-voltage output to control the water inlet valve and automatic circuit disconnection. It also has a display function to show the working status on the LCD screen in real-time, with the entire process controlled by the single-chip microcomputer. This paper introduces a novel rice cooker control system, detailing the overall design concept, hardware design, software system, and providing a comprehensive introduction to the system's functions and implementation. The shortcomings and improvements of this design are also discussed. This innovative rice cooker control system represents an advancement in kitchen appliances, utilizing single-chip microcomputer control, timed functions, relay control, and sensor technology to create an intelligent cooking experience.