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本篇文章主要介绍了如何利用libTomCrypt库实现RSA加密算法的编程实例。libTomCrypt是一个开源的、轻量级的密码学库,它提供了一系列安全算法的实现,包括非对称加密算法RSA。文章以C语言为基础,展示了如何在程序中设置随机数生成器(PRNG)和哈希函数(如SHA-1),以及如何生成一个1024位的RSA密钥。 首先,文章从头文件的引入开始,导入了`stdlib.h`和libTomCrypt相关的库函数定义。然后,定义了几个关键变量,如错误标志`err`、用于不同加密模式的`padding`、输入和输出的缓冲区等。程序首先通过`printf`函数显示RSA加密的欢迎信息,并提示用户输入明文。 用户被要求选择加密模式,可以选择两种常见方式:RSAES-PKCS1-V1_5(一种常用的RSA加密模式,适用于不敏感数据)和RSAES_OAEP(一种更安全但计算成本更高的模式,常用于证书签名)。根据用户的选择,设置了相应的padding值。 接着,文章注册了PRNG和哈希函数,这里使用了TomsFastMath数学库,并且分别找到了与之对应的哈希索引`hash_idx`和PRNG索引`prng_idx`。如果注册过程失败,程序会返回错误并结束。 然后,使用`rsa_make_key`函数生成一个1024位的RSA密钥,参数包括PRNG状态、PRNG索引、密钥长度(以字节计)、公钥指数(通常选择65537,因为它是一个大素数)和指向生成的密钥结构的指针。 接下来,文章省略了实际的加密和解密过程,这部分应该会涉及将明文`pt`按照所选的padding方式进行处理,然后用私钥进行解密,或者用公钥进行加密,最终将结果存储到`out`或`out2`数组中。这部分代码未在提供的部分中给出,但可以想象它是按照RSA算法的基本步骤进行的,包括模指数运算和填充/去除填充。 最后,文章没有详细展示如何验证加密和解密结果是否匹配,这通常涉及到对解密后的数据与原始明文进行比较。整个流程体现了libTomCrypt库在RSA编程中的应用,为开发者提供了一个实用的加密工具。 总结来说,本文是关于在C语言环境中使用libTomCrypt库实现RSA加密和解密的示例,涉及到了密钥生成、模式选择、以及PRNG和哈希函数的管理。对于学习和理解libTomCrypt库在实际开发中的使用非常有帮助。
2012-04-08 上传
LibTomCrypt is a fairly comprehensive, modular and portable cryptographic toolkit that provides developers with a vast array of well known published block ciphers, one-way hash functions, chaining modes, pseudo-random number generators, public key cryptography and a plethora of other routines. LibTomCrypt has been designed from the ground up to be very simple to use. It has a modular and standard API that allows new ciphers, hashes and PRNGs to be added or removed without change to the overall end application. It features easy to use functions and a complete user manual which has many source snippet examples. LibTomCrypt is free for all purposes under the public domain. This includes commercial use, redistribution and even branching. Sports the following Public domain and open source. Written entirely in portable ISO C source (except for things like RNGs for natural reasons) Builds out of the box on virtually every box. All that is required is GCC for the source to build. Includes a 180+ page user manual in PDF format (with working examples in it) Block Ciphers Ciphers come with an ECB encrypt/decrypt, setkey and self-test interfaces. All ciphers have the same prototype which facilitates using multiple ciphers at runtime. Some of the ciphers are flexible in terms of code size and memory usage. Ciphers Supported. Blowfish XTEA RC5 RC6 SAFER+ Rijndael (aka AES) Twofish SAFER (K64, SK64, K128, SK128) RC2 DES, 3DES CAST5 Noekeon Skipjack Anubis (with optional tweak as proposed by the developers) Khazad KASUMI SEED Chaining Modes Modes come with a start, encrypt/decrypt and set/get IV interfaces. Mode supported. ECB CBC OFB CFB CTR IEEE LRW mode F8 Chaining Mode One-Way Hash Functions Hashes come with init, process, done and self-test interfaces. All hashes use the same prototypes for the interfaces. Hashes supported. MD2 MD4 MD5 SHA-1 SHA-224/256/384/512 TIGER-192 RIPE-MD 128/160/256/320 WHIRLPOOL Message Authenticat