the largest impact on the performance prole. For many applications, algorithm optimization
and better software design can deliver additional improvement and performance gain. Typically,
hardware-specic tuning such as loop unrolling and peeling, instruction-level-parallelism, vector
units, etc can speed up the solution phase only by a limited factor.
Furthermore, the time of the solution process depends on the specic hardware features of
the system. Therefore, we need to ensure that the proper solution process takes into account the
characteristics of the selected method, specic implementation details and hardware features.
Numerical methods that are aware of the hardware features and utilize the platform eciently
provide the best performance.
1.1.2 Hardware Shifts
For most of the software products, single core processors have been proven to provide good
hardware performance, portability and forward compatibility. In this context, portability and
compatibility are dened as the ability to move a program from one computer system to another
without any code modication. To increase the performance of the single core processors, the
major micro-processor producers rely strongly on hardware improvements such as instruction
pipe-lining, out-of-order execution, pre-fetching schemes and, most important, increase of the
clock frequency [56]. These techniques ensure better performance on the majority of sequential
programs. However, due to physical limitations of the semiconductor technology these trends
are not sustainable [9]. One of the major obstacles in continuing to increase the clock frequency
is the power constraint combined with heat dissipation restrictions. In the last few years the
combined restrictions of the memory bandwidth and latency as well as the limited acceleration
factors of the instruction level parallelism have caused a hardware shift moving from single-core
to multi-core and many-core processors and devices.
1.1.3 Emerging Multi-core and Many-core Devices
New emerging multi-core and many-core technologies mostly dier from the previous single-core
concept by providing more cores on the chip. Furthermore, the internal memory structure of the
micro-processors is evolving the local internal processor memory is moving from caches that
are large, automatic and transparent to small and mostly manually managed local or shared
memory. This is a necessary step in order to provide a scalable internal memory system for
handling the accesses and transfers from the global memory to the processor. In addition, the
compute power is rearranged from a few fat computational cores to many lighter compute units in
dierent homogeneous or heterogeneous setups. Typical examples are Graphics Processing Unit
(GPU) devices [104, 105], Sony Toshiba IBM Cell Broadband Engine (STI Cell BE) processor
[67] and state-of-the-art technologies such as Intel Many Integrated Core (MIC) or Single-Chip
Cloud (SCC) architecture [72, 74].
1.1.4 Software Impact
The hardware shifts and emerging multi-core and many-core devices cause a signicant software
impact. The largest problem arises from the fact that old legacy codes are not able to automat-
ically take advantage of the new hardware technologies. Due to the growing peak performance
gap between single core and multi-core/many-core devices, the single-threaded programs tend
to perform even worse on the emerging platforms theoretically, on a dual core system (typical
Intel/AMD CPUs in 2006 [71]) a sequential program would utilize 50% of the peak performance
of the machine, while on a 500-core chip (typical NVIDIA GPUs in 2011 [104]) it would utilize
only 0.2%. Furthermore, programs designed for clusters do not utilize the full power potential
of modern multi-core CPUs due to the dierent synchronization mechanisms. These programs
are not able to run on any of the GPU devices, since none of the many-core platforms support
explicit communication control.