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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/TAP.2013.2287904, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation
Abstract—Recently, the covariance matrix adaption
evolutionary strategy (CMA-ES) has received attention for
outperforming conventional optimization algorithms such as the
genetic algorithm (GA) or particle swarm optimization (PSO)
algorithm, often used in electromagnetic designs. Here, CMA-ES
is first applied to the design of ultra-wideband aperiodic arrays
using realistic spiral radiating elements. To improve the axial
ratio of the array, optimization was extended to incorporate a
mechanical rotation of each spiral element. This novel strategy
of optimizing both the location and rotation of each element
provides noticeable improvement in both the axial ratio and
sidelobe level performance.
Index Terms—aperiodic array, axial ratio, CMA-ES,
covariance matrix adaptation, phased array, spiral antenna, ultra-
wideband antennas.
N developing antenna arrays for ultra-wideband
applications, two main approaches can be used to obtain
grating lobe free operation. The first approach is to densely
pack the array elements, with inter-element spacings much
less than λ/2 [1]–[3]. This approach can require an extremely
large number of elements to fill a given aperture, in particular
if a narrow beam width is required, and can thus be very
costly. Moreover, approaches to achieve low relative sidelobe
levels (RSLL) with periodic arrays often require significant
amplitude tapering for outer elements and are thus rather
inefficient [4]. The other approach taken here is to
aperiodically position array elements, which provides a
number of advantages over more traditional periodic arrays.
They develop no grating lobes over arbitrarily large
bandwidths, posses no blind scan angles, require significantly
fewer elements to achieve a desired beam width, and have the
ability to achieve a low RSLL without requiring any amplitude
tapering [5]. Since aperiodic arrangements typically require
relatively sparse apertures with large average inter–element
spacings, they are at a performance disadvantage only when
high directivity is required from a size-constricted aperture.
Manuscript received November 28, 2012.
P. J. Gorman was with The Pennsylvania State University, University Park,
PA 16802 USA. He is now with the RF Communications Division, Harris
Corporation, Rochester, NY 14610 (e-mail:
M. D. Gregory and D. H. Werner are with the Electrical Engineering
Department, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802
USA (e-mail:,
In the 1960s, when randomly spaced arrays first received
significant attention, the available computational resources and
optimization algorithms were largely insufficient for design
where element positions are directly controlled. Early
aperiodic array designers had to rely on a variety of methods,
such as randomly placing elements with a certain probability
density function [6]–[8] and while this approach was effective,
advances in computers and algorithms have given designers the
ability to quickly design array layouts with significantly better
performance. Some recent approaches that leverage advances
in computing include [9]–[11], which use nature-inspired
optimization techniques such as the genetic algorithm (GA) to
exploit the properties of fractals or aperiodic tilings for array
Recently, the covariance matrix evolutionary strategy
(CMA-ES) has received attention for outperforming
conventional optimization algorithms such as GAs and particle
swarm optimization (PSO), both widely used in the
electromagnetic community [12]. CMA-ES has the advantage
in that it is a self-adaptive algorithm that learns from the
complex optimization parameter dependencies [13], [14]. This
self-adaptive learning combined with minimal reliance on user
defined evolutionary settings (e.g. mutation and crossover rates
in a GA), which can significantly impact optimization
performance, leads to a faster and more robust algorithm
compared to a GAs or PSO, particularly for problems with
large parameter sets.
For aperiodic antenna array design, this means more
flexibility to generate more optimal layouts. With small arrays
(under 100 elements), the aforementioned parameter reduction
or array representation techniques (e.g. aperiodic tilings or
fractals) can be restricting with respect to element arrangement.
Directly optimizing the locations of elements in an array is
impractically slow with traditional algorithms, however, with
the availability of CMA-ES, direct search is possible with
increasingly large arrays, resulting in array designs with
considerably better performance than previously possible [15].
In this paper, CMA-ES is applied to develop low-profile,
ultra-wideband antenna arrays using realistic antenna elements.
Traditional array factor design and optimization [12] is
combined with element patterns and full-wave simulations to
optimize for peak sidelobe level as well as axial ratio. The low-
profile requirement of the array eliminates many potential
candidates for the antenna element such as the log-periodic,
conical variants, and UWB horns. With the aperiodic approach
Design of Ultra-Wideband, Aperiodic Antenna
Arrays with the CMA Evolutionary Strategy
Philip J. Gorman, Student Member, IEEE, Micah D. Gregory, Student Member, IEEE, and
Douglas H. Werner, Fellow, IEEE