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In the essay "Data Regression - Management Thought Regression: The Inner Logic of Comprehensive and Free Development of Humanity," the author delves into the inherent logic behind the return to human-centered management principles. By combining the soul of management thoughts with the latest developments in practice, the author explores two paths of return – from the West to China and the gradual embrace of humanism – aiming to unify them under the umbrella of "science converging to humanism." From a managerial and economic perspective, the author argues that the driving force behind this return is the recognition of the importance of holistic and human-centered approaches in decision-making processes. This shift towards a more humane and comprehensive way of thinking is seen as essential for ensuring the sustainable and balanced development of organizations and societies. Through a deep understanding of the inner workings of management principles and a commitment to human-centered values, the author advocates for a return to a more holistic and inclusive approach to management that prioritizes the well-being and development of individuals and communities.
2022-06-26 上传
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- 资源: 1万+
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