ten by Andrew Vande Moere* [8], which is based on self-organization and behavior
simulation principles that can represent dynamic data evolution by extending the
concept of information flocking. Time-varying data-sets contain data objects that
are altered in time due to continuously executed, time-dependent data updates.
Static State Replacement, Time-Series Plots, Static State Morphing, Control Appli-
cations, and Equilibrium Attainment are used to visualize time-varying data-sets.
This paper has described the algorithms and principles that drive the information
flocking method and how they can be applied to a real-world and almost chaotic
data-set.Then Kapi, Sunar, and Zamri’s paper ‘A Review on Informed Search Algo-
rithms for Video Games Pathfinding’ [23] is based on Pathfinding algorithms that
have received increasing attention in many applications such as video games and
robotics, metabolic pathways in the past few years. The ideal algorithm A* can
speed by enhancing it from various perspectives as it reduces memory consumption
and no post-processing is needed. By using swarm intelligence in the pathfinding
technique, so many other fields are growing. Hence, the recent research progress in
the game’s navigation emphasizes optimization using four different perspectives.The
paper ‘Particle Swarm Optimization: A Survey of Historical and Recent Develop-
ments with Hybridization Perspectives’ written by Sengupta, Basak, and Alan Peters
II [18] is based on Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), which is the foundations and
frontiers of advances in PSO. Here, Fuzzy Adaptive (FA) is used to make fuzzy sets
and membership rules. However, The topology of the swarm of particles sets up a
degree of a network of its members.According to Artaxo et al., paper ‘Autonomous
Cooperative Flight Control for Airship Swarms’ [19] is a paper investigating the de-
sign and implementation of controllers for autonomous cooperative airships flights
using two different approaches. Two different swarm strategies have been tested
based on the Reynolds Boids algorithm and the Robotic Particle Swarm Optimi-
sation algorithm paper.Then Hahn et al. wrote the paper ‘Foraging Swarms using
Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning’ [22], where they evaluated the Boids forag-
ing with the help of multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL). They also showed
that each predator moves freely without provoking their flock-mates. Lastly, they
evaluated that each predator learns from the flock-mates and can easily select its
targeted object. Using the idea of the Boids Algorithm, Mavhemwa and Nyangani
wrote the paper ‘Uniform spatial subdivision to improve Boids Algorithm in a gam-
ing environment’ [16] about creating a video game that simulates the real-life crowd
behavior. He also showed several approaches that can improve the flocking simula-
tion. A robotic environment full of fish school and this fish school’s fish maintaining
the Boids algorithm is written by Connor et al. in their paper ‘ Analysis of Robotic
Fish Using Swarming Rules with Limited Sensory Input’ [17]. They also showed
the benefits of using Virtual Reality that can make the fish modify itself and can
interact with the flock-mates easily.‘Simulation of the Flocking Behavior of Birds
With the Boids algorithm’ written by Erneholm [12], which undergoes the flocking
behavior. Moreover, along with the algorithm, he compares two different neighbor-
hoods of Boids.Joselli et al.’s paper ‘A Flocking Boids Simulation and Optimization
Structure for Mobile Multicore Architectures’ [14] is the paper where they use the
approach of flocking Boids Algorithm to high-end mobile multicore architectures.
They used the flocking Boids algorithm simulation on the Android render script
API. For the development of our day-to-day life, people are converting their lives to
robotic systems. For this reason, Kasmarik et al. made the evolution of the Boids