Authentication Protocol using MYK-NTRUSign
Signature Algorithm in Wireless Network
Aihan Yin
School of Information Engineering, East China Jiaotong University, Nanchang 330013, China
Hongchao Liang, and Ming Zhu
School of Information Engineering, East China Jiaotong University, Nanchang 330013, China
Email: {mr_lianghc, zhuming061104269}
Abstract—In this paper, we propose a new bidirectional
authentication and key agreement protocol based on the
MYK-NTRUSign signature algorithm. The AES encryption
algorithm and hash techniques were adopted to build our
protocol. To implement the mutual authentication and
session key agreement, the proposed protocol includes two
phases: namely initial phase and mutual authentication with
key agreement phase. As the MYK-NTRUSign signature
algorithm is applied, our protocol not only can overcome the
security flaws of authentication protocols based on
secret-key, but also support greater security attributes and
lower computational complexity in comparison with
currently well-known public key based wireless
authentication schemes.
Index Terms—MYK-NTRUSign Signature Algorithm; AES
Encryption; Key Agreement; Bidirectional Authentication
Wireless communications is advancing rapidly in
recent years. After 2G (e.g. GSM) widely deployed in the
world, 3G mobile communication systems are spreading
step by step in many areas. At present, some countries
have already launched investigations beyond 3G (B3G)
and 4G. Due to the openness of the wireless
communication network, sharing of communication
channels, network protocol security, the diversity of
network attack means of incomplete, there is a huge
security threat, which make the wireless communication
security problem more and more attention.
To solve the security problems, cellular networks such
as GSM and UMTS all employ the symmetric key
algorithms (e.g. A5 and Kasumi) to implement the
authentication and the session keys agreement before the
subscriber is authorized to access the network. Because of
wireless LAN (WLAN), the WEP (Wired Equivalent
Privacy) protocol based on symmetric key algorithm RC4
is specified. However, some authentication mechanisms
based on symmetric cryptosystem for wireless access
control are adopted in consideration of the performance,
the security flaws are obvious. For instance, the
International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI) used in
cellular networks may be transmitted in plaintext during
the authentication. It leads to a passive attacker in a
position to eavesdrop the user's identity and locate the
user easily. In addition, the shared secret key's
management and maintenance will result in scalability
problem when users increase in number [1].
Some public key based authentication protocols
specifically designed for wireless networks have been
proposed in recent years to overcome the security flaws
mentioned above. Among them, the well-known
authentication and key agreement protocol appropriate
for wireless networks on the basis of elliptic-curve
cryptography techniques was ASK-WAP [2]
and UAP[3].
Even though the protocol reduces to some extent
computational complexity on the user side by using
elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) algorithm, the server
just verify the user’s identity legitimacy and the server is
not authenticated to the user. So it does not really achieve
the bidirectional authentication.
NTRU (Number Theory Research Unit) public key
cryptosystem is a kind of very promising public key
cryptography scheme. The attractive advantages of
NTRU are its encryption/decryption speed,
signature/verification speed and the ease of creating
public-private key pairs while providing high security
level [4]-[7]. NTRU as a new public cryptosystem was
first presented by Hoffstein [8]-[11]. It is a ring-based
cryptosystem operating in polynomial ring Z[X]/(xN-1)
where N is the security parameter. Then, researchers have
proposed the NSS, R-NSS and NTRUSign algorithm
[12]-[15]. However, NSS and R-NSS algorithm has been
breached. In NTRUSign algorithm, Signers use the
private key to generate plaintext closest vectors, the
vectors are NTRU lattice, and the vector as plaintext
signature. Min et al. [16] proposed a NTRUSign
algorithm of ductility attack methods: an attacker by
active eavesdropping, after receiving a message with the
signature of the legal cases, able to forge a multiple legal
signature of the message; At the same time give a repair