"TI-TCA9544A.pdf: I2C开关与主控器连接技术详解"

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The document TI-TCA9544A.pdf provides information about the TCA9544A I2C switch, which is designed to enable the connection of multiple slave devices to a single master (e.g. processor) over the I2C or SMBus interface. The TCA9544A has four channels, each of which can be used to connect a different set of slave devices. The TCA9544A has four sets of slave devices, labeled A, B, C, and D, with each set containing multiple slave devices. Each set of slave devices can be connected to one of the four channels on the switch. This allows the master device to communicate with different sets of slave devices by simply switching between the different channels. The switch can be controlled using the I2C or SMBus interface, with the master device sending commands to the TCA9544A to select the desired channel. The switch also features interrupt pins that can be used to notify the master device when a channel has been selected or when a specific condition has been met. The TCA9544A has two voltage supply pins, VCC and GND, which provide power to the switch. Additionally, there are two address pins, A0 and A1, which can be used to set the I2C address of the switch, allowing multiple TCA9544A devices to be used on the same bus. Overall, the TCA9544A I2C switch provides a convenient and efficient way to connect multiple slave devices to a single master device over the I2C or SMBus interface. Its multiple channels, interrupt pins, and address pins make it a versatile and flexible solution for a wide range of applications. For more detailed information, readers can refer to the technical documents and tools provided in the product folder and order now for the TCA9544A.