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"Linux设备驱动开发是Linux系统中的一个重要领域,涉及到操作系统与硬件之间的交互。《Linux Device Drivers》是一本经典的书籍,对于想要深入理解Linux驱动程序开发的人员来说是必不可少的参考文献。本书涵盖了从基础到高级的各种驱动编写技巧,帮助读者掌握如何为Linux系统编写设备驱动程序。 在Linux中,设备驱动是操作系统内核的一部分,负责与硬件进行通信,实现硬件功能的软件接口。设备驱动程序允许操作系统和其他软件组件通过标准接口与硬件设备进行交互,从而实现对硬件的控制和管理。这些设备可以包括输入输出设备(如键盘、鼠标、显示器)、存储设备(如硬盘、SSD)、网络设备(如网卡)以及各种传感器和控制器等。 学习Linux设备驱动开发需要理解以下几个关键知识点: 1. **内核调用和API**:了解Linux内核提供的驱动编程接口,如sysfs、procfs等用于设备注册和管理的机制,以及ioctl、read、write等系统调用。 2. **中断处理**:学习如何编写中断服务例程,处理来自硬件的中断请求,以及中断上下文的概念。 3. **DMA(直接内存访问)**:理解DMA的工作原理,以及如何配置和使用DMA来提高数据传输效率。 4. **I/O端口和内存映射**:熟悉I/O端口的读写操作,以及如何将硬件寄存器映射到内核地址空间。 5. **设备树**:在嵌入式系统中,设备树是描述硬件配置的一种方式,学习如何编写和解析设备树来初始化和配置设备。 6. **同步与并发控制**:理解互斥锁、信号量、条件变量等同步原语,确保驱动程序在多线程环境下的正确性。 7. **模块化驱动**:了解如何编写可加载内核模块(LKMs),使得驱动程序可以在运行时动态加载或卸载。 8. **字符设备和块设备驱动**:区分两者的特点和使用场景,学会如何编写这两种类型的驱动。 9. **网络设备驱动**:对于网络设备,需要理解网络协议栈,学会处理网络数据包的收发。 10. **电源管理和热插拔**:理解如何实现设备的节能模式和热插拔支持,以适应现代系统的需要。 《Linux Device Drivers》这本书会详细讲解这些概念,并通过实例代码展示如何实际应用。同时,O'Reilly出版社还提供了许多其他与Linux相关的资源,包括《Understanding the Linux Kernel》、《Linux in a Nutshell》等,这些书籍可以帮助读者全面了解和掌握Linux系统。此外,ONLamp.com和O'Reilly的在线参考图书馆Safari Bookshelf也是获取最新技术和实践知识的好去处,它们提供丰富的样本章节和代码示例,以及各种开源技术的讨论和会议信息。** 通过深入学习Linux设备驱动开发,不仅可以提升对操作系统底层工作的理解,还能为从事嵌入式系统、服务器维护、硬件开发等工作打下坚实的基础。"
2010-11-08 上传
This is, on the surface, a book about writing device drivers for the Linux system. That is a worthy goal, of course; the flow of new hardware products is not likely to slow down anytime soon, and somebody is going to have to make all those new gadgets work with Linux. But this book is also about how the Linux kernel works and how to adapt its workings to your needs or interests. Linux is an open system; with this book, we hope, it is more open and accessible to a larger community of developers. This is the third edition of Linux Device Drivers. The kernel has changed greatly since this book was first published, and we have tried to evolve the text to match. This edition covers the 2.6.10 kernel as completely as we are able. We have, this time around, elected to omit the discussion of backward compatibility with previous kernel versions. The changes from 2.4 are simply too large, and the 2.4 interface remains well documented in the (freely available) second edition. This edition contains quite a bit of new material relevant to the 2.6 kernel. The discussion of locking and concurrency has been expanded and moved into its own chapter. The Linux device model, which is new in 2.6, is covered in detail. There are new chapters on the USB bus and the serial driver subsystem; the chapter on PCI has also been enhanced. While the organization of the rest of the book resembles that of the earlier editions, every chapter has been thoroughly updated. We hope you enjoy reading this book as much as we have enjoyed writing it.