What to Do Next: Modeling User Behaviors by Time-LSTM
Yu Zhu
, Hao Li
, Yikang Liao
, Beidou Wang
, Ziyu Guan
, Haifeng Liu
, Deng Cai
State Key Lab of CAD&CG, College of Computer Science, Zhejiang University, China
College of Information and Technology, Northwest University of China
College of Computer Science, Zhejiang University, China
School of Computing Science, Simon Fraser University, Canada
{zhuyu cad, haolics, ykliao, haifengliu, dcai}@zju.edu.cn, beidouw@sfu.ca, ziyuguan@nwu.edu.cn
Recently, Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) solu-
tions for recommender systems (RS) are becoming
increasingly popular. The insight is that, there ex-
ist some intrinsic patterns in the sequence of users’
actions, and RNN has been proved to perform ex-
cellently when modeling sequential data. In tradi-
tional tasks such as language modeling, RNN so-
lutions usually only consider the sequential order
of objects without the notion of interval. However,
in RS, time intervals between users’ actions are of
significant importance in capturing the relations of
users’ actions and the traditional RNN architectures
are not good at modeling them. In this paper, we
propose a new LSTM variant, i.e. Time-LSTM,
to model users’ sequential actions. Time-LSTM
equips LSTM with time gates to model time inter-
vals. These time gates are specifically designed,
so that compared to the traditional RNN solutions,
Time-LSTM better captures both of users’ short-
term and long-term interests, so as to improve the
recommendation performance. Experimental re-
sults on two real-world datasets show the superi-
ority of the recommendation method using Time-
LSTM over the traditional methods.
1 Introduction
Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) solutions have become
state-of-the-art methods on modeling sequential data. They
are applied to a variety of domains, ranging from language
modeling to machine translation to image captioning. With
remarkable success achieved when RNN is applied to afore-
mentioned domains, there is an increasing number of works
trying to find RNN solutions in the area of recommender sys-
tems (RS).
Hidasi et al., 2016a; Tan et al., 2016; Hidasi et al.,
focus on RNN solutions in one certain type of recom-
mendation task, i.e. session-based recommendations, where
no user id exists and recommendations are based on previous
consumed items within the same session.
Yu et al., 2016
points out that RNN is able to capture users’ general inter-
est and sequential actions in RS and designs a RNN method
corresponding author
(a) Language Modeling
(b) Recommender Systems
Figure 1: w
in (a) represents the m-th word. In (b), i
the m-th consumed item and 4t
is the time interval between the
time when i
and i
are consumed.
for the next-basket recommendations. The insight that RNN
works well in the above recommendation tasks is that, there
exist some intrinsic patterns in the sequence of users’ actions,
e.g. once a man buys a badminton racket, he tends to buy
some badmintons later, and RNN has been proved to perform
excellently when modeling this type of patterns.
However, none of the above RNN solutions in RS consid-
ers the time interval between users’ neighbour actions, while
these time intervals are important to capture the relations of
users’ actions, e.g. two actions within a short time tend to be
related and actions with a large time interval may aim at dif-
ferent goals. Therefore, it is important to exploit the time in-
formation when modeling users’ behaviors, so as to improve
the recommendation performance. We use Figure 1 to show
what the time interval is and how it makes RS different from
the traditional domains such as language modeling. Specifi-
cally, there is no notion of interval between neighbour words
(e.g. no interval between w
and w
) in language modeling,
while there are time intervals between neighbor actions (e.g.
between i
and i
) in RS. Traditional RNN architectures
are good at modeling the order information of sequential data
as in Figure 1 (a), but they cannot well model time intervals
in Figure 1 (b). Therefore, new models need to be proposed
to address this problem.
A recently proposed model, i.e. Phased LSTM
Neil et al.,
, tries to model the time information by adding one time
gate to LSTM
Hochreiter and Schmidhuber, 1997
, where
LSTM is an important ingredient of RNN architectures. In
this model, the timestamp is the input of the time gate which
controls the update of the cell state, the hidden state and
thus the final output. Meanwhile, only samples lying in the
model’s active state are utilized, resulting in sparse updates
during training. Thus, Phased LSTM can obtain a rather fast
Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-17)