Minimax Design of Constant Modulus MIMO
Waveforms for Active Sensing
Zhen Lin , Wenqiang Pu, and Zhi-Quan Luo , Fellow, IEEE
Abstract—Waveform optimization is a crucial step in the design
of a multiple-input multiple-output system. This letter considers
the joint optimization of constant modulus waveforms and mis-
matched (or matched) receive filters to suppress the auto- and cross
correlations using the minimax (
-norm) design criterion. For
practical waveform length and system size, the waveform design
problem becomes quite challenging due to the large problem size
(more than 10
unimodular complex variables and 10
constraints). In addition to the large size, this problem is noncon-
vex, nonsmooth, and as such, cannot be handled effectively by the
existing waveform design algorithms or off-the-shelve optimization
tools. This letter develops an efficient primal–dual type algorithm
with low per-iteration complexity to solve this problem. Numerical
comparison shows that the waveforms based on the minimax de-
sign outperform those obtained from the existing
-norm design
by 4–5 dBs in terms of peak sidelobe levels.
Index Terms—MIMO system, mismatched (or matched) fil-
ters, unimodular waveforms, auto-/cross-correlation, primal-dual
ULTIPLE-INPUT multiple-output (MIMO) systems
have many important applications in radar active sensing
[1]–[3], such as target detection and localization [4], [5], tracking
[6], and radar imaging [7], [8]. A fundamental component of a
MIMO system is the set of signal waveforms used by its antenna
elements. The performance of a MIMO system, such as location
accuracy [4], detection performance [9] and parameter identifia-
bility [10], is known to be directly related to the good correlation
property of its signal waveforms. In particular, it is desirable to
have low auto-/cross-correlations among the signal waveforms.
Orthogonality between waveforms promises many advantages
in different applications, e.g., higher location accuracy [4],
better detection performance [9], and parameter identifiability
[10]. For practical implementation, the MIMO waveforms are
required to be constant modulus (i.e., unimodular).
In view of the importance of waveform design, various math-
ematical formulations and algorithms have been proposed in
Manuscript received March 30, 2019; revised June 10, 2019; accepted June
23, 2019. Date of publication July 1, 2019; date of current version September 11,
2019. This work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foun-
dation of China under Grants 61571384 and 61731018, in part by the Leading
Talents of Guangdong Province Program (00201501), and in part by the De-
velopment and Reform Commission of Shenzhen Municipality. This letter was
presented in part at the Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Comput-
ers, Pacific Grove, CA, USA, October 2018. The associate editor coordinating
the review of this manuscript and approving it for publication was Prof. Luca
Venturino. (Corresponding author: Zhi-Quan Luo.)
The authors are with the Shenzhen Research Institute of Big Data, The Chi-
nese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen 518172, China (e-mail: 114020243;;
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/LSP.2019.2926020
the past decade for the MIMO waveform design problem. In
[11], a customized alternating direction method of multipliers
(ADMM) algorithm was proposed to approximate desired beam-
patterns using constant modulus waveforms with low spacial
auto- and cross-correlation sidelobes. In [12], [13], an
minimization based waveform design (or the so called integrated
sidelobe levels (ISL)) was proposed to minimize the squared
sum of the auto- and cross-correlations of the waveforms. A
cyclic iterative algorithm called CAN [12] and a majorization-
minimization (MM) algorithm [13] were proposed to solve the
-norm based waveform design problem by exploiting the effi-
cient FFT representation of the minimization problem. An alter-
-norm based design has also been considered in [14] to
minimize the so called peak auto-/cross-correlation (or sidelobe)
levels, PSL for short, so as to mitigate the effect of unknown in-
terferences in the worst-case. In particular, the reference [14]
derived theoretical bounds on ISL and PSL of sequence correla-
tions, and proposed an alternating projection (AP) algorithm for
the MIMO waveform design problem. However, each iteration
of the AP algorithm requires an eigenvalue decomposition of a
MN × MN matrix, where M is the number of waveforms and
N is the length of each waveform; such a step is prohibitively
expensive for large values of M,N (say, MN =10
). The MM
method proposed in [15] approximates
-norm by an
of the correlations, for a large p, to address the nonsmoothness
of the
-norm, but is only applicable to the design of a single
waveform (M =1). Apart from the aforementioned work on
ISL and PSL minimization for waveform design, various other
design criteria were proposed in different application contexts,
see [16]–[21]. Another factor affecting the achievable PSL of
MIMO waveforms is the use of mismatched receive filter [22],
[23]. The latter has been proposed to improve robustness to the
Doppler shifting [17], mitigate interferences [24] and clutters
[25], and approximate a desired beampattern [26], among others.
This letter considers the joint optimization of constant mod-
ulus waveforms and mismatched (or matched) receive filters
to suppress the auto- and cross-correlations using the minimax
design criterion. For practical system size (say, M = 128 an-
tenna elements) and waveform length (N>10
), the waveform
design problem becomes quite challenging due to the large
problem size (more than 10
complex unimodular variables,
and approximately 10
nonlinear constraints). In addition to the
large size, this optimization problem is nonconvex, nonsmooth,
and as such, can not be handled effectively by the existing
-norm waveform design algorithms or off-the-shelve
optimization tools. The main contribution of this letter is an
efficient primal-dual type algorithm with low per-iteration
complexity to solve this minimax waveform design problem.
Numerical comparison shows that the newly designed wave-
forms outperform those obtained from the existing algorithms
by 4–5 dBs in terms of peak sidelobe level suppression,
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