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资源摘要信息:"ddd.zip_gradually3u5_pwm_wiseh53" 在该标题中,“ddd.zip”很可能是压缩文件的名称,而“gradually3u5_pwm_wiseh53”则可以被理解为嵌入式系统中用于实现PWM(脉冲宽度调制)设备驱动的代码或者项目名称的一部分。文件名称中的“gradually3u5”可能表示程序版本或者开发阶段。虽然这些术语不是标准的IT术语,但它们很可能是一个内部项目名称,或者针对特定硬件平台的开发代号。 【描述】中提到的“嵌入式交叉编译pwm设备驱动”,涉及几个关键的嵌入式系统开发知识点: 1. 嵌入式系统:是指嵌入到对象体系内部,具有专用功能的计算机系统。它通常包括硬件和软件两部分,硬件如微处理器、存储器和输入/输出设备等;软件则负责管理和控制硬件资源,执行用户程序。 2. 交叉编译:是一种编译方法,用于编译与运行编译器的计算机平台不同的目标平台的程序。在嵌入式开发中,由于目标设备的计算资源有限,交叉编译器能够在资源更丰富的宿主机上编译出适用于嵌入式设备的代码。 3. PWM设备驱动:PWM是一种通过改变脉冲宽度来改变电压的模拟信号生成技术。在嵌入式系统中,通过编写设备驱动程序来控制硬件实现PWM输出,可以用于调光、控制电机速度、产生音频信号等多种场合。 【标签】中的“gradually3u5 pwm wiseh53”同样可能是与上述描述相关的项目或代码部分标签。而“pwm”作为标签,更进一步强调了该文件涉及PWM技术的应用。 【压缩包子文件的文件名称列表】中的“WaveShapeDemo”可能是一个演示程序,用于展示PWM输出波形的效果。在嵌入式系统开发中,演示程序(Demo)是常见的工具,用于验证硬件和软件的功能。通过WaveShapeDemo这样的程序,开发者可以直观地看到不同PWM设置下波形的改变,从而对设备驱动进行调试和优化。 总结以上信息,可以推断出该压缩文件中包含的可能是一个针对特定硬件平台开发的嵌入式交叉编译的PWM设备驱动程序。该驱动程序能够产生两路PWM输出,并且可能有相应的演示程序(如WaveShapeDemo)来直观展示输出波形。此文件夹可能被用于展示PWM技术在嵌入式系统中的应用,以及如何通过编程来控制特定硬件达到预期的PWM输出效果。这些内容对于嵌入式系统开发人员来说是核心知识,他们需要对硬件接口、编程语言、交叉编译工具链和硬件抽象层(HAL)等都有深入的了解。

润色:In the recent years, the world is constantly stricken by various terrifying natural or man-made disasters, all of which calls on our attention to the global sustainable development, defined as the overall coordinating development of nature, society and economy, to meet the current needs without at the cost of the future.\\ Back in 2015, UN Assembly has stipulated the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development to address the problem including 17 goals which can be further classified into 5 categories: \textbf{fundamental necessities pursuit} (GOAL 1, 2), \textbf{sustainable social development} (GOAL 3, 4, 5, 6, 7), \textbf{sustainable economic development} (GOAL 8, 9, 10, 11, 12),\textbf{ sustainable ecological development} (GOAL 13, 14, 15) and \textbf{human symbiont pursuit} (GOAL 16, 17). In the article, we mainly discuss the relationships between the SDGs, the priority ranking of SDGs, base on which future implications are given including predicted blue print, ideal achievements and potential goals. Finally the influence of external factors on the structure is researched. In consideration of the priority of each SDG, the point weight is given to each SDG itself, and the edge weight is given to the degree of correlation between SDGs (that is, the degree of influence), to represent the degree of contribution of each SDG to the human-wellbeing. By final calculation, Goal 5,2,1 rank the top3.\\ In future implication, the sliding window model is employed. The predicted blue-print in 10 years is given qualitively and quantitively, and for the ideal achievements we find that fundamental necessities pursuit has a huge impact on the other goals, while human symbiont pursuit influence gradually and sustainable economic development has a general impact too.

2023-02-21 上传