Second-Order Integral Sliding Mode Control for Uncertain
Systems With Control Input Time Delay Based
on Singular Perturbation Approach
Xiaoyu Zhang, Hongye Su, and Renquan Lu
Abstract—This note proposes a robust integral sliding mode
(RISM) manifold and a corresponding design method for stabiliza-
tion control for uncertain systems with control input time delay.
Delay-independent sufficient condition for the existence of the
RISM surface is given in terms of LMI. An improved sliding mode
control (SMC), which is delay-dependent and suitable for small
input time delay, keeps system stay on the neighborhood of the
RISM surface in finite time. With uncertainties and disturbances,
the reaching condition for the neighborhood of the RISM is satis-
fied. Furthermore, the control makes second-order sliding mode.
Based on a numerical example, the proposed method is verified to
be efficient and feasible.
Index Terms—Control input time delay, integral sliding mode,
LMI, robust control.
I. I
Time delays of control systems are found abundantly in practical
industry processes. Their aftereffect property poses great challenges
in designing stable controller, and those difficulties are often the
cause of poor performance [1]. Many control approaches for time
delay systems (TDS) have been developed. Within these approaches,
robust control for TDS has attracted increasing interests since 1990s,
especially the using of linear matrix inequality (LMI) techniques with
Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional method [2] for TDS with matching or
mismatching uncertainties [3].
Sliding mode control (SMC) [4] has been applied to almost all
kinds of TDS due to its inherent advantages such as easy implemen-
tation, fast response and especially the insensitivity to uncertainties
and disturbances [5]. Many results such as [6]–[11] are presented.
Generally, SMC utilizes a discontinuous (switching) control law to
force trajectory of system state onto a pre-designed sliding manifold.
Hence, the desired performance such as stability and robustness can
be guaranteed. The discontinuous (switching) control law is built in
the sign of the sliding manifold value that may change sign if there
is time delay in its control input channel. Therefore, the SMC control
design often fails to guarantee the reachability of the sliding manifold
due to the control input delay.
Manuscript received April 3, 2014; revised November 25, 2014,
November 26, 2014, and February 17, 2015; accepted February 26, 2015.
Date of publication March 11, 2015; date of current version October 26,
2015. This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation
of China (61304024), the Natural Science Foundation of Hebei Province
(F2013508110). Recommended by Associate Editor M. L. Corradini.
X. Zhang is with the Department of Electronics and Information Engineer-
ing, North China Institute of Science and Technology, East Beijing 101601,
China (e-mail:
H. Su is with Institute of Cyber-System and Control, Zhejiang University,
Hangzhou 310027, China (e-mail:
R. Lu is with the Automatization Engineering College, Hangzhou Dianzi
University, Hangzhou 310018, China (e-mail:
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TAC.2015.2411991
Recently, the input delay problem of SMC design for TDS has
been studied. For example, R. Xia designed an integral sliding mode
manifold for the uncertain systems with input time delay and uncer-
tainties [12]. X. Li discussed the stability of dynamical systems with
input-delay, using Poincar Map to construct the second-order sliding
mode control algorithm and analyzed the stability conditions [13].
Yuanqing Xia dealt with a SMC design for LTI systems with both
input and s tate time-varying delays [14] and provided delay-dependent
sufficient conditions for the existence of sliding manifold in terms of
linear matrix inequalities. J. Chen studied the combination of loop
transfer recovery (LTR) observer and sliding mode control (SMC) to
solve input time delay by utilizing non-singular linear transformation
[15]. In [16], a design approach of SMC for TDS with only the input
time delay item u(t − τ ) was proposed, in which singular perturbation
approach was used and ultimate boundedness solutions of the closed-
loop system were achieved with disturbances. Study results partially
resolve the SMC control problem for TDS with input delay, where LMI
techniques are widely adopted for its simple structure and convenient
There are, however, some limitations in the above-mentioned stud-
ies. First, most of them focused on systems with both contol signal u(t)
and time delay item u(t − τ ),whereτ is the delay time. Yet it is not
easy to design SMC in the space of state variables for TDS with only
the time delay item u(t − τ ). Second, as the hereafter features make
the control input signal or state trajectory deterioration, chattering
in the closed-loop system becomes more serious.
In this technical note, SMC design for TDS with only the time delay
control item is addressed, especially when there exist uncertainties
of system matrices and disturbance. A second-order robust integral
sliding mode (RISM) control is designed for uncertain systems with
control input time delay, and the final control is continuous. The
contribution of the note is primary twofold:
1) The reaching phase is eliminated by a robust integral sliding
mode (RISM) designed for a class of uncertain systems with
input time delay. A RISM design result is presented.
2) A second-order SMC design is achieved by improving the
controller design results of [16]. Therefore, the continuous SMC
control signal is obtained, namely chattering-free is achieved.
The reminder of this note is as follows. Section II presents the for-
mulation of the considered TDS and some preliminaries. Main results
are given in Section III, including an RISM and its corresponding SMC
control design. A simple example about practical concentration control
problem is given in Section IV, as well as simulation results validating
the design in this note. Conclusions are summarized in Section V.
Consider a class of uncertain system with time-varying input time-
(t)] x(t)+[B+ΔB(t)] [u (t−τ (t))+w(t)]
u(t)=0,t∈ [−max (τ(t)) , 0] (1)
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