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《Java网络编程(第3版)》英文原版是专为IT专业人士设计的一本深度指南,该书深入讲解了Java在网络编程领域的应用。本书不仅涵盖了Java的基本网络编程原理,如套接字编程、多线程、网络通信协议等,还探讨了企业级Java应用程序开发中的网络组件和框架,例如Java Enterprise Beans (EJB)、Java与XML的集成以及Java Server Pages (JSP)。 通过丰富的代码示例和案例分析,读者可以学习到如何有效地设计和实现网络服务,包括客户端服务器架构、网络数据传输、安全措施以及性能优化。此外,书中还会涉及Java I/O操作,这是网络编程中不可或缺的一部分,它涉及到输入/输出流和文件处理。 Java Books和Resource Center是获取更多Java及相关技术资源的宝库,提供样章和代码示例,帮助读者不断提升技能。O'Reilly出版社的官方网站——,是寻找Java书籍和最新技术资讯的完整目录,为开发者提供了实用的学习资源和工具。 OnJava.com网站则是面向企业级Java开发者的全方位平台,这里集成了新闻动态、代码实践、专家访谈、博客文章等多种形式的内容,有助于开发者紧跟行业动态,解决实际问题。 除此之外,O'Reilly还举办各类技术会议,邀请业界创新者分享最新的工具和技术,将创新知识转化为实用技能,为参会者创造思想碰撞和知识交流的环境。在线参考图书馆Safari Bookshelf(则提供了超过1,000本编程和技术书籍的即时访问,便于程序员进行高效查阅和学习。 《Java网络编程(第3版)》是Java开发者不可或缺的专业教材,无论是在学术研究还是在实际项目开发中,都能提供深厚的技术支持和实用的实践经验。通过阅读这本书,读者可以掌握Java在网络编程领域的核心技术和最佳实践,从而提升自己的专业能力。
2016-07-22 上传
*** Key Features *** * Learn to deliver superior server-to-server communication through the networking channels * Gain expertise of the networking features of your own applications to support various network architectures such as client/server and peer-to-peer * Explore the issues that impact scalability, affect security, and allow applications to work in a heterogeneous environment *** Book Description *** Network-aware applications are becoming more prevalent and play an ever-increasing role in the world today. Connecting and using an Internet-based service is a frequent requirement for many applications. Java provides numerous classes that have evolved over the years to meet evolving network needs. These range from low-level socket and IP-based approaches to those encapsulated in software services. This book explores how Java supports networks, starting with the basics and then advancing to more complex topics. An overview of each relevant network technology is presented followed by detailed examples of how to use Java to support these technologies. We start with the basics of networking and then explore how Java supports the development of client/server and peer-to-peer applications. The NIO packages are examined as well as multitasking and how network applications can address practical issues such as security. A discussion on networking concepts will put many network issues into perspective and let you focus on the appropriate technology for the problem at hand. The examples used will provide a good starting point to develop similar capabilities for many of your network needs. *** What you will learn *** * Connect to other applications using sockets * Use channels and buffers to enhance communication between applications * Access network services and develop client/server applications * Explore the critical elements of peer-to-peer applications and current technologies available * Use UDP to perform multicasting * Address scalability through the use of co