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"这篇论文探讨了标度总体最小二乘(Scaled Total Least Squares, STLS)问题的条件数的一些新结果。作者李冰玉和贾仲孝在清华大学数学科学系和东北师范大学数学与统计学院工作。他们基于Golub-Van Loan的存在唯一性条件,对STLS解进行了新的扰动分析,研究了被扰动STLS问题解的解析性和第一阶扰动估计,并提出了新的表达式。此外,对于具有线性结构的STLS问题,他们还深入研究了结构化条件数并给出了估计。数值实验表明,结构化条件数可以显著小于非结构化的对应值。关键词包括:标度、总体最小二乘、条件数、扰动分析、结构化条件数。" 文章详细内容: 在统计和工程领域,总体最小二乘问题是一个重要的数据分析工具,尤其在处理测量误差或模型不精确时。STLS问题是在线性模型中寻找一个向量,使得该向量与观测数据的向量之间的差异(即残差)在范数意义上的平方和最小。Golub和Van Loan提出的存在和唯一性条件是STLS问题的核心理论基础,它确保了解的存在且唯一。 Zhou等人最近的工作主要集中在STLS问题的一阶扰动分析上,他们给出了STLS解的上界条件数,这是衡量问题敏感性的关键指标。当系统受到微小扰动时,条件数高意味着解的变化可能非常大,从而影响计算的稳定性。 李冰玉和贾仲孝在本论文中采取了一种不同的扰动分析方法。他们不仅探讨了被扰动STLS问题解的解析性质,而且还推导出新的第一阶扰动估计公式。这种更深入的分析有助于我们更好地理解STLS问题在实际应用中的行为。 此外,他们特别关注了具有线性结构的STLS问题。线性结构在实际问题中很常见,如信号处理和控制系统。他们研究了这些结构化问题的条件数,发现其数值上可能远小于非结构化问题的条件数。这一发现对于优化计算策略和提高算法效率具有重要意义,因为较低的条件数通常意味着更高的计算稳定性。 通过数值实验,作者进一步证实了他们的理论结果,显示结构化条件数在许多情况下确实能显著降低,这为解决实际问题提供了更有利的条件。这项研究深化了我们对STLS问题条件数的理解,并为处理具有特定结构的数据集提供了有价值的理论指导。

用中文总结以下内容: A number of experimental and numerical investigations have been conducted to study the MBPP stack and wavy flow field characteristics with various designs [10,11]. T. Chu et al. conducted the durability test of a 10-kW MBPP fuel cell stack containing 30 cells under dynamic driving cycles and analyzed the performance degradation mechanism [12]. X. Li et al. studied the deformation behavior of the wavy flow channels with thin metallic sheet of 316 stainless steel from both experimental and simulation aspects [13]. J. Owejan et al. designed a PEMFC stack with anode straight flow channels and cathode wavy flow channels and studied the in situ water distributions with neutron radiograph [14]. T. Tsukamoto et al. simulated a full-scale MBPP fuel cell stack of 300 cm2 active area at high current densities and used the 3D model to analyze the in-plane and through-plane parameter distributions [15]. G. Zhang et al. developed a two-fluid 3D model of PEMFC to study the multi-phase and convection effects of wave-like flow channels which are symmetric between anode and cathode sides [16]. S. Saco et al. studied the scaled up PEMFC numerically and compared straight parallel, serpentine zig-zag and straight zig-zag flow channels cell with zig-zag flow field with a transient 3D numerical model to analyze the subfreezing temperature cold start operations [18]. P. Dong et al. introduced discontinuous S-shaped and crescent ribs into flow channels based on the concept of wavy flow field for optimized design and improved energy performance [19]. I. Anyanwu et al. investigated the two-phase flow in sinusoidal channel of different geometric configurations for PEMFC and analyzed the effects of key dimensions on the droplet removal in the flow channel [20]. Y. Peng et al. simulated 5-cell stacks with commercialized flow field designs, including Ballard-like straight flow field, Honda-like wavy flow field and Toyota-like 3D mesh flow field, to investigate their thermal management performance [21]. To note, the terms such as sinusoidal, zig-zag, wave-like and Sshaped flow channels in the aforementioned literatures are similar to the so called wavy flow channels in this paper with identical channel height for the entire flow field. The through-plane constructed wavy flow channels with periodically varied channel heights are beyond the scope of this paper [22,23].

2023-02-10 上传