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"HPCA 2014 Proceeding——计算机科学与计算机体系结构的重要会议,包含30多篇关于GPU缓存模型和性能优化的文章。"
在计算机科学领域,特别是计算机体系结构,HPCA(High-Performance Computer Architecture)是与ISCA和MICRO齐名的顶级会议,它聚焦于最新的技术进展和研究成果。2014年的HPCA会议收录了一系列文章,虽然上传的只是部分,但包含了30多篇针对GPU缓存模型的深入研究。
GPU(Graphics Processing Unit)在现代计算中扮演着关键角色,尤其是在高性能计算和深度学习等领域。随着GPU对片上内存的依赖增加,如何有效地利用其缓存以提高性能和降低能耗变得至关重要。论文“ADetailedGPUCacheModelBasedonReuseDistanceTheory”关注的正是这一问题。
传统的CPU中,栈距离或重用距离理论被广泛用于预测和理解缓存行为。然而,GPU因其独特的并行执行模型、细粒度多线程、条件分支、非均匀延迟、缓存关联性、Miss Status Holding Registers (MSHRs)以及线程分叉(warp divergence)等特点,使得直接应用该理论变得复杂。
1. **线程层次结构**:模型考虑了GPU中的线程、线程束(warp)、线程块以及活动线程集,这些是GPU并行执行的基础单元。
2. **条件和非均匀延迟**:GPU的指令执行可能因条件分支而产生不同延迟,模型需能捕捉这种差异。
3. **缓存关联性**:GPU缓存的关联性会影响数据访问模式,模型需要模拟这种情况下的行为。
4. **Miss Status Holding Registers (MSHRs)**:MSHRs在处理缓存未命中时起作用,它们管理并发请求,模型需考虑其影响。
5. **线程分叉(warp divergence)**:当线程束中的线程执行不同的路径时,这会影响缓存行为,模型需要能够表示这种情况。
论文作者实现了一个基于C++的模型,并扩展了Ocelot GPU模拟器,以验证和演示这个扩展的重用距离理论在GPU环境中的适用性。这样的工作对于理解和优化GPU的性能,尤其是在面临内存墙挑战时,具有重大意义。通过深入理解GPU缓存的行为,开发者和研究人员可以设计出更高效、更节能的GPU应用和架构。
Initial Permissions New Permissions
S/PT Hyp. OS User S/PT Hyp. OS User
Rule ID Requester S P R W X R W X R W X S P R W X R W X R W X Action Note
1 Hypervisor - - - - - - - - - - -
* * * * * * * * * * *
None * = don’t care
2 Hypervisor
* * * * * * * * * * *
- - - - - - - - - - - Wipe Page * = don’t care
3 OS - - - - - - - - - - -
* *
- - -
* * * * * *
None * = don’t care
4 OS
* *
- - -
* * * * * *
- - - - - - - - - - - Wipe Page * = don’t care
5 Hypervisor - - - W - - - - - - - - - - - X - - - - - - None Hypervisor code page
6 OS - - - - - - W - - - - - - - - - - - X - - - None OS code page
7 OS - - - - - - - - - W - - - - - - - - - - - X None User-level code page
Table 2: Permission Assignment Rules to Mitigate Cross-Layer Attacks Considered in our Threat Model
3.3. PRM and Verification of Permissions
The Permission Reference Monitor (PRM) has two responsi-
bilities. First, it ensures that a given memory access is allowed
by the permissions specified for a given physical page. This
is only a minor extension of the type of permission check
performed by existing hardware.
The second responsibility of the PRM is to ensure that the
permission specified for a given physical page is allowed by
the requested memory access. To better understand this, con-
sider a potential attack against the NIMP permission system
that may allow a compromised OS to violate the confiden-
tiality of a user-level page. Assume a page has permissions
- - - | - - - | R W -
. An application may plan to
use this to store confidential information. During the ap-
plication’s run-time, suppose that the OS returns the page
to the null-state using rule 4 (wiping the page in the pro-
cess) and then uses rule 3 to set the page’s permissions to
- - - | R - - | R W -
, hence allowing itself read ac-
cess. Although existing confidential data on the page was
wiped, any future data written by the application could now
be read by the OS.
One solution to this problem would be to simply not permit
the OS to alter the permissions of the page, and instead make
that the sole responsibility of the application. The problem,
however, is that then the OS cannot reclaim memory from a
killed or misbehaving application, which is an unacceptable
outcome. A better solution is for the application to be able
to verify the permissions of the page prior to accessing it.
Then, if the permissions have changed, the write should not
occur. This check needs to be atomic with the write in order
to prevent time-of-check race conditions.
In order to accomplish this, the instruction set is modified
to allow memory access instructions to specify what permis-
sions they explicitly do not want other privilege levels to have.
This information can be encoded within memory instructions.
When a memory instruction is executed, then the PRM per-
forms verification and either allows or denies the request.
4. NIMP Implementation Details
In this section we describe our implementation of NIMP.
4.1. Permission Store
Permissions for each physical page are stored in a special area
of memory called the permission store. The permission store
is made of individual page permissions stored in a Permission
Structure (PS). The PS entry for each physical page speci-
fies the currently active permissions for this page, such that
separate "read", "write" and "execute" bits are provided for
each of the privilege layers (hypervisor, OS and user-level). In
addition, the shared (S) and page table (PT) bits are also in-
cluded. We assume that 2 bytes are needed in memory to store
each of the PS entries, with five bits reserved for future use.
We include the five reserved bits to make each PS entry byte
aligned. Figure 3a shows the PS layout for a single physical
The PS entries for each physical page are securely stored
in a protected region of memory accessible only by hardware
that is in charge of enforcing these new permissions. Neither
the OS nor the hypervisor have a direct access to this memory
and every request to set up or change the permissions has to
go through the NIMP hardware.
Physical memory demand for storing the PS bits is very
modest. For example, for a system with 16GB of physical
memory and 4KB pages, the PS entries for all pages require
only 8MB of memory (2 bytes for each of the 4M pages in the
system), which represents 0.05% of the total memory space.
Additionally, the PS bits are also cached in the instruction and
data TLB entries, just like regular permission bits are cached
in traditional systems. Therefore, the access to PS data in
memory is only needed following a TLB miss. The PS data is
also stored in the regular caches, similar to other system-level
data, such as the page tables.
It is important to observe that the permission bits are not
modified directly by any software layer. All changes must be
approved by the MPM. In order to facilitate this, we add a
new instruction (called PERM_SET) to the ISA to perform the
validity check against the Rule Database and setup the page
permission. This new instruction is described in detail below.
4.2. Memory Permission Manager
In this section, we describe the MPM implementation.
4.2.1. Rule Database and Secure System Boot
To modify
permissions in NIMP, we rely on the use of securely stored
permission modification rules — only the transitions specified
by the rules are allowed, and this is directly controlled by
the MPM hardware. All transitions not specified in the Rule
Database are disallowed. These modification rules are stored
in a dedicated Rule Database (RD), which is located inside a
processor die in a small TCAM structure. Once loaded at boot
time, the contents of the RD never change. Initially, the rules
are stored as part of the system BIOS. At system boot time,
Figure 3: Format of RD and PS Entries
(a) Format of a PS Entry
(b) Format of a RD Entry
New PermissionsCurrent PermissionsRAction
0124 356789101112131415
the integrity of the BIOS is measured by the TPM [
] and
then the rules are loaded into the RD.
Each RD entry has the following fields, shown in Figure 3b
• Current permissions
: these store the currently active per-
missions for a physical page, as specified by its PS entry.
• New permissions
: this field has the same format as the cur-
rent permissions field, but it specifies requested new permis-
sions. The RD entry dictates whether or not the transition
from the current set to the requested set of permissions is
• The requester of the permission change
: this is necessary
to distinguish between hypervisor, OS kernel or the user-
level process. Two bits (we call them the R bits) are needed
to differentiate between these three entities.
• Action bits
: these specify any special actions needed to be
performed on the page for the rule to be upheld, such as
zeroing out the page, or encrypting it.
4.2.2. Hardware Support for NIMP
We now describe the
hardware support required to realize the MPM. The modified
processor is depicted in Figure 4b. First, the processor is
augmented with the cache-like structure that implements the
RD. The RD is a fully-associative cache that is implemented
as a TCAM (associatively-addressed memory that supports
"don’t care" bits in the search key: this takes care of the "don’t
care" bits in the rules) and its search key is composed of the
tuple <Requester, Current PS, New PS>. Each RD entry is
4 bytes long. For a system with 7 rules (that we use in our
evaluation and that are shown in Table 2), the RD requires 28
bytes of storage plus the logic to implement a fully-associative
search in TCAM. We show in the evaluation section that the
access delay of such a TCAM is below that of an integer ALU.
In addition, the new hardware includes a 64-bit register
(called PS_Base) that points to the beginning address of the
PS table stored in memory. This register is protected from
all software layers and is securely setup at boot time, along
with the initialization of the RD. The index into the PS table
to access the permissions associated with a physical page is
computed in the following manner:
Index = PS_Base + (phys_page_number ∗ sizeo f (PS))
Finally, existing TLB entries (for both instruction and data)
need to be augmented with PS entries for each page stored in
the TLB, so that the PS bits can be read out directly from the
TLB without requiring a memory access on a TLB hit. Since
existing TLB entries already have 16 bytes (8 bytes each for
virtual and physical page number cached), then the addition of
2 extra bytes of PS data results in an overhead of about 9% in
terms of the TLB area (peripheral logic does not get impacted).
Note that the PS bits are added as an extra field to each TLB
entry, leaving the traditional protection bits unchanged. If
the system uses the traditional way of managing permissions,
these permissions bits are still available in the TLB and in the
page tables and can be used by the processor and the OS.
4.2.3. Initial Page Permission Setup
In a traditional system,
a new physical page allocated for processes or virtual machines
(VMs) becomes accessible after their corresponding physical
frame numbers and protection bits are written into the page
tables. In NIMP, the process of initial permission setup is
different. We discuss it first for dynamic memory allocation
and then for static memory allocation.
When an application requests a dynamic page allocation
(for example, using sbrk system call via malloc()), the OS or
the hypervisor would locate a free physical page and establish
a corresponding page table entry. Once this step has completed
the OS or hypervisor will use the new PERM_SET instruction
to assign permissions in a controlled way.
The PERM_SET instruction has the following format:
PERM_SET <virtual page address, new PS entry>
The activities triggered by this instruction are as follows.
First, it performs an address translation using the virtual page
address, TLBs and page tables. Since this page has been
recently setup by the OS, the translation will be found in
the TLB. After that, the current set of permissions for the
corresponding physical page (obtained from its PS entry) is
read. The combination of the selected current PS entry and the
new PS entry as specified in the instruction is then used as a
key to search through the RD. On a match in the RD rules, the
hardware first takes any action specified in the actions field
of the matched RD entry (such as zeroing out the physical
page) and then sets up the new permission bits both in the
TLB and in the protected memory region. If no match in the
RD occurs for this type of transition, then the transition is
disallowed and a permission violation exception is raised. All
these activities are performed by the MPM. The execution of
the PERM_SET instruction is illustrated in Figure 5a, and the
process of accessing the RD is depicted in Figure 5b.
For the initial setup of permissions for static memory pages,
such as code and static data, a similar approach is used. On
a system call such as exec() or CreateProcess(), the OS first
sets up the necessary amount of memory by creating virtual
to physical mappings. Next, the OS uses the PERM_SET
instruction to assign the initial set of permissions which allow
writing to the page (e.g. by the loader). Then the OS would
return from the system call and allow the loader to do its work.
Once the loader has finished writing the code and read-only
data to these pages, it makes another system call (such as
mprotect()) to mark the code pages as executable. At this
point the OS uses the PERM_SET instruction again to carry
out this operation. This operation assumes that the loader is
trustworthy, and that is why it is a part of our TCB.
4.2.4. Permission Changes During Execution
There are sit-
uations during the normal execution of a system that the per-
missions of a page may need to be changed, for example, to
Core 1
Core 0
(a) Traditional Hardware and System Software
Core 1
Core 0
Rule Database
Hypervisor OS
(b) NIMP Hardware and System Software
Figure 4: Traditional Hardware vs. NIMP Hardware
support copy-on-write semantics. To request changes to the
existing page permissions, any software layer requesting such
a change does so through the hardware interface provided by
the PERM_SET instruction described above. Regardless of
what layer is invoking this instruction, it directly communi-
cates with the MPM hardware. Notice that because neither
the hypervisor nor the OS directly set the actual PS bits, the
PERM_SET instruction should not be trappable or emulatable
by the hypervisor.
We now describe the means by which the PERM_SET in-
struction is initiated by the various software layers. To enable
the OS kernel to use the page permission change interface
using the PERM_SET instruction, the implementation of the
paging mechanism is slightly modified to call this new in-
struction after setting up the page table entry. Note that the
existing kernel implementation of managing the protection
bits (which stores them as part of the page table entries) can
still remain intact. When the processor executes in the NIMP
mode, then these page table entry bits can be ignored. Alter-
natively, they can still be consulted and the most restrictive of
the two permissions (traditional and NIMP) will be enforced.
For the hypervisor, the permission changing process is sim-
ilar to that of the OS kernel described above. Specifically,
after the page table entry is setup, the call to PERM_SET
instruction is initiated with appropriate operands. The hyper-
visor only needs to perform this activity for its own pages,
as the pages belonging to the OS or the user-level processes
are handled separately, as described above. The addition of
the PERM_SET instruction to the paging implementation is
the only modification to the hypervisor/OS code required by
In the NIMP design, there is currently no distinction be-
tween various user-level programs from the standpoint of man-
aging page permissions. In traditional systems, software PIDs
managed by the OS play this role. However, since the OS is
untrusted in our threat model, we cannot rely on these software
PIDs because they can be easily forged by a compromised OS.
In our design, some level of protection is already presented by
the S bit, which is a part of every PS entry. Specifically, if this
bit is not set for a page, then this page cannot be mapped in
more than one page table at a time, ensuring that it cannot be
shared with any other application. It is reasonable to assume
that if security is needed for some pages, then the application
owning those pages would not set the S bit to prevent sharing,
thus potentially exposing critical data. However, if a more flex-
ible design is desired where several applications can securely
share data in a controlled fashion, NIMP can easily adapt to
them by adding hardware-generated PIDs [
] in place of
software-maintained ones, and storing these hardware PIDs
as part of the PS entry, somewhat increasing the overhead of
the NIMP logic. We leave the detailed quantification of this
feature for future work, as this aspect is not central to the
NIMP design.
4.3. Permission Reference Monitor
We now describe how the last component of the NIMP system
– the Permission Reference Monitor (PRM) – is implemented.
The PRM’s purpose is to enforce (in hardware) the new permis-
sions, while also allowing the lower-privilege level software
to verify that these permissions have not been tampered with.
The PRM’s responsibilities are similar to that of a traditional
MMU, but some additional actions are also required.
When programs are compiled for the NIMP system, each
load and store instruction is augmented with the permission
that it expects other software layers to have for this particular
section of data or code. This information can be communicated
to the PRM hardware in several different ways, depending on
the specifics of the instruction set used.
For example, for CISC ISAs (such as x86), which use
variable-length instructions and opcodes, an additional byte
can be added to every memory instruction to specify permis-
sions of other layers. In this case, 4 bits can be used to check
against the permissions of different privilege layers. Three bits
specify the expected permissions of all other layers, as well
as the expected S bit. We call these the Expected Permission
(EP) bits.
Alternatively, if extending instructions is challenging due,
for example, to the memory alignment issues (as would be the
Access Rule Database
Write PS +
PERM_SET %eax, %ebx
Access Page
Read PS
No Match
(Current Privilege Level)
(a) Memory Dataflow Triggered by PERM_SET Instruction
11 11
Current Permission Input New Permission Input
Requester Input
(b) Accessing the Rule Database
Figure 5: Activities Generated by the PERM_SET Instruction
case for fixed-length RISC ISAs) then the EP bits can either
be conveyed through the opcodes (if they are available), or
using compiler annotations, similar to what is used for static
branch prediction.
Regardless of the implementation, when a LOAD or a
STORE instruction enters the memory access stage of the
pipeline, the PRM unit extracts the EP bits and compares them
with the PS bits related to the OS/Hypervisor access rights.
On a match, the memory access is allowed, and on a mismatch,
the access is not performed and an exception is raised. The
exception handling actions depend on the specifics of the mis-
match. The details of this process for a user-level verified
memory access are shown in Figure 6. In the figure we have
assumed that an extra byte in the instruction is used to specify
the EP bits. Note that the regular permission check (i.e. the
user-level permission check in this case) is not depicted since
it is similar to traditional checking. Since the loader is trusted
in NIMP, this ensures that the EP bits are tamper-proof, as is
the rest of the program binary.
An alternative way to implement permission verification
is to augment the context of each process with another reg-
ister that holds the EP bits that are checked by all memory
instructions. In this approach, a new instruction also needs to
be added to the ISA to change the contents of this register as
the EP bits change. Such a scheme avoids significant changes
to the application binaries, but requires more changes to the
library code and may have performance implications if the
toggling of the new register occurs frequently.
4.4. Other Considerations
To complete the NIMP implementation, a few additional
system-level considerations have to be taken into account.
• Secure Context Switches and Interrupts
During context
switches and interrupts, the registers of a running entity may
be exposed. In order to prevent such an exposure, register
contents need to be saved in protected memory, and then
wiped before control is transferred to a higher-privilege
interrupt handler. The NIMP hardware will then have to be
involved in restoring the register state from the protected
memory when the process is resumed.
• Secure Page Swapping
While NIMP prevents malicious
supervisor software from getting access to the application
memory pages, the same functionality also prevents soft-
ware from reading pages in order to swap them to disk.
In order to support swap-out, the rules can be extended to
allow a supervisor to add read permission for itself on a
page, but the associated action encrypts the page using a
key derived from a hash of the application’s code space,
random nonce generated by the hardware and stored in the
application’s memory space, and the page’s current permis-
sions. The supervisor is unable to determine the key without
knowing the nonce, and including a hash of the code in its
derivation ensures that the page can only be swapped back
into the same application. During a swap-in, the encrypted
data can be read back from disk into memory, the correct
permissions restored to the page, and the decryption per-
formed by the hardware.
• Supporting DMA
To handle DMA operations, the NIMP
system uses the same set of permissions as those assigned
for the software privilege level responsible for initiating
DMA requests. It would be possible to assign DMA its
own set of permissions under the NIMP framework, but the
security benefits of this are not clear.
• Protecting from Multithreaded Attacks
A possible attack
avenue exists when a malicious OS spawns a thread that
was not requested by the program. In this case, the OS
chooses the starting instruction address for that thread —
for example, it can cause the movement of confidential data
to an OS-readable page. To protect against such attacks,
the act of setting the program counter for a newly spawned
EP BitsOpcode
Load/Store Instruction Bits
TLB/Permission Store
Access Decision
PS Bits
S Bit
Figure 6: Permission Verification by the PRM
thread should not be performed without application or user-
level library involvement.
5. Attack Mitigation
We now summarize how the new page permissions utilized by
NIMP and the supporting infrastructure mitigate the various
cross-layer attacks considered in our threat model.
5.1. Mitigating Malicious Supervisor Attacks
To protect against malicious supervisor attacks, some pages
can be set up in a way similar to Page 3 shown in the exam-
ple of Table 1. Such pages are configurable to be readable
and writable only by the application layer. Therefore, the
compromised supervisor layers will have no access to these
pages. Furthermore, the supervisor layers will be incapable
of granting themselves permissions for such pages and later
accessing these pages with these permissions, because there
is no rule in the RD to support such a transition. An attempt
to perform such an unspecified page permission change will
result in the generation of a security exception by the MPM
hardware, as shown in Figure 5a.
5.2. Mitigating Page Remapping Attacks
Page Remapping Attacks can be performed in two styles. In
the first attack variation, a target page is remapped within the
same address space, but with a different set of permissions.
For example, Page 3 shown in Table 1 can be unmapped
and then a new page remapped in its place with a new set
of permissions that now include the OS or the hypervisor’s
read/write permissions. While the current data on the page
will be wiped out during this process, the new data written
to this page by an unsuspecting application would then be
accessible to the supervisor layers. The permission verification
mechanism described in Section 4.3, however, prevents this
attack. In this case, the application would detect the new
permissions upon its first attempt to write, as the permission
verification would fail.
The second variation of remapping attacks involves remap-
ping a page to a different address space, such as that of another
process. To prevent this type of attack, NIMP ensures that
when a non-sharable page is unmapped, its contents are zeroed
out before a new mapping can be established. Mapping and
unmapping events are detected when writes occur to pages
marked with the PT bit, which is stored in each PS entry.
IPC DIfference (%)
Figure 7: IPC Overhead of Caching Permissions
5.3. Mitigating Memory Escalation Attacks
In current systems, these types of attacks leverage the fact that
a page marked as executable by a user level application can
also be executed in a hypervisor/OS context. Under NIMP,
it is possible to use Rules 1,2,3 and 4 in Table 2 to create a
page where a higher privilege level has "execute" permission,
while some lower privilege level has "write" permission thus
creating an environment for these attacks. However, the only
way that such a combination of permissions is possible is when
the victim layer itself gives the "write" permission to the lower
privileged layer that initiates the attack. It is not possible for
the attacking (lower-privileged) layer to set up the "execute"
permission for a higher-privileged layer.
6. Performance and Complexity Evaluation of
In this section we evaluate the performance impact and hard-
ware complexity of NIMP.
6.1. Performance Evaluation
There are two main sources of NIMP performance overhead
due to the additional actions that need to be performed in
this architecture for address translations and memory accesses.
First, we need to access the permission bits that are stored
separately from the regular page tables. While these bits are
cached inside the regular TLBs and therefore do not impact
the memory access latency on TLB hits, additional memory
access is required on a TLB miss following the page table
walk. Second, some of our new permission changing rules
dictate that the corresponding physical pages are zeroed out
by the hardware before the new permission settings can take
effect — this also adds execution cycles.
For estimating the impact of the extra delays due to ac-
cessing the new permission bits, we used MARSSx86 [
] —
a full-system x86-64 simulator. We modified the TLB miss
handling code to perform the regular cache lookups and re-
placements for the PS data to estimate the impact of PS data
on the number of cycles needed to execute applications. Since
the permission bits are also stored in the cache hierarchy (and
therefore, a DRAM access is not always needed to access
them), we accurately simulated this impact as well. Our pro-
cessor configuration is shown in Table 3.
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