1–6 Chapter 1: About This MegaCore Function
Performance and Resource Utilization
FFT MegaCore Function User Guide © November 2009 Altera Corporation
Table 1–7 lists resource usage with burst data flow architecture, using the 4 multipliers
/2 adders complex multiplier structure, for data and twiddle width 16, for Cyclone III
(EP3C10F256C6) devices.
1,024 (5) 2 220 557 2.53 1,581 7.18 1,163 5.28
4,096 2 231 2,607 11.28 6,703 29.01 5,133 22.22
256 4 215 118 0.55 347 1.61 283 1.32
1,024 4 206 340 1.65 1,364 6.61 1,099 5.33
4,096 4 207 1,378 6.64 5,474 26.38 4,633 22.33
Notes to Table 1–6:
(1) When using the buffered burst architecture, you can specify the number of quad-output engines in the FFT MegaWizard interface. You may
choose from one, two, or four quad-output engines in parallel.
(2) In a buffered burst data flow architecture, transform time is defined as the time from when the N-sample input block is loaded until the first
output sample is ready for output. Transform time does not include the additional N-1 clock cycle to unload the full output data block.
(3) Block throughput is the minimum number of cycles between two successive start-of-packet (sink_sop) pulses.
(4) EP3C10F256C6 device.
(5) EP3C16F484C6 device.
Table 1–6. Performance with the Buffered Burst Data Flow Architecture—Cyclone III Devices (Part 2 of 2)
Number of
Engines (1)
Transform Calculation
Time (2)
Data Load & Transform
Block Throughput
Cycles Time (s) Cycles Time (s) Cycles Time (s)
Table 1–7. Resource Usage with the Burst Data Flow Architecture—Cyclone III Devices
Number of
Engines (2)
9 × 9
256 Quad Output 1 3,110 3,672 14,592 8 24
1,024 Quad Output 1 4,207 5,023 175,392 20 24
4,096 Quad Output 1 3,278 4,022 229,632 28 24
256 Quad Output 2 5,093 5,824 14,592 15 48
1,024 Quad Output 2 5,189 6,016 57,600 15 48
4,096 Quad Output 2 5,270 6,192 229,632 28 48
256 Quad Output 4 8,906 10,556 14,592 28 96
1,024 Quad Output 4 9,017 10,765 57,600 28 96
4,096 Quad Output 4 9,128 10,955 229,632 28 96
256 Single Output 1 1,465 1,495 9,472 3 8
1,024 Single Output 1 1,528 1,541 37,120 6 8
4,096 Single Output 1 1,620 1,587 147,712 19 8
256 Single Output 2 2,079 2,406 14,592 9 16
1,024 Single Output 2 2,131 2,482 57,600 11 16
4,096 Single Output 2 2,194 2,558 229,632 28 16
Notes to Table 1–7:
(1) When using the burst data flow architecture, you can specify the number of engines in the FFT MegaWizard interface. You may choose from
one to two single-output engines in parallel, or from one, two, or four quad-output engines in parallel.