51, 031201(2014)
Laser & Optoelectronics Progress
收稿日期: 2013-10-09; 收到修改稿日期: 2013-11-19; 网络出版日期: 2014-02-20
作者简介: 娄本浊(1982—),男,硕士,讲师,主要从事光散射技术在生化材料领域中的应用方面的研究。
E-mail: benzhuolou@163.com
枸杞多糖纳米胶囊 pH 值稳定性的动态光散射分析
陕西理工学院物理与电信工程学院,陕西 汉中 723003
摘要 枸杞多糖具有多种生理活性,但在胃酸或肠道中的耐受性差,使其生理活性大大削弱,而纳米胶囊化可改善这
小 与分 布,来 分析 该胶 囊 在胃 酸(pH=3.5)、储存 (pH=5.5)、十 二 指肠 (pH=6.8)及 大肠 (pH=7.4)等模 拟 环境 下的 稳 定
性。研究 结 果表明,无静置 时间时枸杞多糖 纳米胶囊可稳 定 存在于胃酸 、储存 、十二 指肠及大肠中 ;静置 5 h 以 内可
稳定存在 于 胃酸与储存环 境中;但 在十二指肠中 静 置 2 h 或在大肠 中静置 1 h 就有 不稳定现象出 现 。以上结论说 明
制备的枸杞多糖纳米胶囊具有 pH 控制释放的效果。
关键词 测量;纳米胶囊;动态光散射;枸杞多糖;稳定性;pH 值效应
中图分类号 TQ645.9; R944.5 文献标识码 A doi: 10.3788/LOP51.031201
Dynamic Light Scattering Analysis of the pH-Stability of Wolfberry
Polysaccharide Nanocapsules
Lou Benzhuo
School of Physics and Telecommunication Engineering, Shaanxi University of Technology,
Hanzhong, Shaanxi 723003, China
Abstract The tolerance of Lycium barbarum polysaccharide with a variety of biological activities is poor in
the environment of gastric acid or intestinal canal, which leads the great weakening of to its biological activities.
This defect can be modified by nano- encapsulation. Wolfberry polysaccharide nanocapsules are prepared by
microemulsion technique and compound- agglomeration method. The particle sizes and distributions of these
nanocapsules in liquid phase are measured by dynamic light scattering, which can analyze the stability of
wolfberry polysaccharide nanocapsules in different simulation environments of gastric acid (pH=3.5), store (pH=
5.5), dodecadactylon (pH=6.8) and large intestine (pH=7.4). The results show that, the polysaccharide
nanocapsules can exist steadily in the environments of gastric acid, store, dodecadactylon and large intestine
without standing time and in the environments of gastric acid and store within standing time of 5 h. However,
the wolfberry polysaccharide nanocapsules become unstable in dodecadactylon with standing time of 2 h or in
large intestine with standing time of 1 h. The above conclusions reveal that the prepared wolfberry
polysaccharide nanocapsules have the effect of pH-controlled release.
Key words measurement; nanocapsules; dynamic light scattering; wolfberry polysaccharide; stability; pH effect
OCIS codes 120.5820; 290.5820
1 引 言
。Gan 等
指出枸杞多醣可显著 增加肿瘤小鼠体内巨噬细胞的吞噬作用、刺激脾脏细胞 分
泌抗 体及 使脾 脏淋 巴细 胞产生增生现象,表明枸杞多糖可增强体液免疫力与细胞促成性免 疫反 应,并 通过
改善免疫系统来抑制 肿瘤细胞活性以达到治疗的效果。Wang 等
指出枸杞多醣对于不 同的发炎反应也有
良好 的活化作用。 然而,枸杞 多醣中所含蛋白质对胃酸耐受性差,也易受肠胃酵素分解,不 利于 口服 ,使其