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"I'm only in it for the paycheck, I won't do any extra work for that. It's not like I'm working for myself, as long as it's passable, it's fine." Who are we really working for? We should all ask ourselves this question. If we don't figure it out and adjust our mindset while we're young, we might miss out on success.
Some people say, "Everyone says that, you're saying it too. I'm only making this much money, why should I do so much work? I work for the company, they pay me, it's just an equal exchange." The scary thing is when you start to act like this - I'll do as much work as you pay me. Here's a little story: Jack worked at a trading company for 1 year. Dissatisfied with his job, he angrily told his friend, "I have the lowest salary in the company, and the boss doesn't treat me well. If this continues, I'll have to confront him one day and quit."
"Have you really understood all the business of that trading company? Do you completely understand the secrets of international trade?" He replied, "..."
2023-07-11 上传
2023-07-11 上传
2023-07-11 上传
2023-07-11 上传
2023-07-11 上传
2023-07-11 上传
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