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"Defensive Security Handbook 2017.4.pdf" 是一本专注于网络安全防御的手册,由 Lee Brotherston 和 Amanda Berlin 合著。本书旨在帮助那些预算有限,无法建立或外包信息安全(InfoSec)项目的组织,提供基础到进阶的安全实践指南,通过实际步骤、工具、流程和理念来提升安全防护能力,而无需大量成本。 本书覆盖了多个关键领域的安全问题,包括但不限于: 1. 数据泄露和灾难应对:提供了应对数据泄露和灾难事件的策略,帮助组织快速响应并降低损失。 2. 合规性管理:讨论了如何满足各类法规要求,确保组织在法律和政策框架内运营。 3. 网络基础设施与密码管理:讲解了构建安全网络架构的技巧,以及如何实施有效的密码策略。 4. 脆弱性扫描:介绍了自动化工具和手动方法来识别系统中的弱点,以便及时修复。 5. 渗透测试:阐述了如何模拟黑客攻击,以检测和增强系统的防御能力。 书中每一章都针对特定问题提供详细的步骤指导,适合网络工程师、系统管理员和安全专业人士阅读。内容以易理解、可操作的模块呈现,便于读者分阶段提升安全水平。 作者 Lee Brotherston 和 Amanda Berlin 提倡的防御性安全方法,强调以实用且经济的方式增强基础设施的安全性,无论组织规模大小,都可以从中获益。他们结合丰富的经验和行业最佳实践,为读者提供了一套全面的自我提升方案。 本书的出版商 O'Reilly Media, Inc. 是知名的科技图书出版商,提供了在线版本,方便读者随时随地学习。此外,书中的编辑、设计、校对等团队为内容的质量和可读性做出了贡献,确保读者能够从中获得高质量的学习体验。 《防御性安全手册》是一本实用的指南,对于那些需要自己动手提高网络安全的企业和个人来说,是一份不可多得的参考资料。通过阅读和应用书中的建议,读者将能够逐步建立一套强大的安全防护体系,保护组织免受日益严峻的网络威胁。
2017-04-05 上传
Defensive Security Handbook: Best Practices for Securing Infrastructure by Lee Brotherston English | 3 Apr. 2017 | ASIN: B06Y18XC5Y | 268 Pages | AZW3 | 3.88 MB Despite the increase of high-profile hacks, record-breaking data leaks, and ransomware attacks, many organizations don’t have the budget to establish or outsource an information security (InfoSec) program, forcing them to learn on the job. For companies obliged to improvise, this pragmatic guide provides a security-101 handbook with steps, tools, processes, and ideas to help you drive maximum-security improvement at little or no cost. Each chapter in this book provides step-by-step instructions for dealing with a specific issue, including breaches and disasters, compliance, network infrastructure and password management, vulnerability scanning, and penetration testing, among others. Network engineers, system administrators, and security professionals will learn tools and techniques to help improve security in sensible, manageable chunks. Learn fundamentals of starting or redesigning an InfoSec program Create a base set of policies, standards, and procedures Plan and design incident response, disaster recovery, compliance, and physical security Bolster Microsoft and Unix systems, network infrastructure, and password management Use segmentation practices and designs to compartmentalize your network Explore automated process and tools for vulnerability management Securely develop code to reduce exploitable errors Understand basic penetration testing concepts through purple teaming Delve into IDS, IPS, SOC, logging, and monitoring
2017-07-27 上传
2017-11-21 上传