Section 1.2
The mechanics and control of mechanical manipulators
up, their direction aligns with the axis of rotation of the azimuth rotation.
This means that, at exactly this point, the azimuth rotation does not cause a
change in the direction of the stream of bullets. We know we need two degrees
of freedom to orient the stream of bullets, but, at this point, we have lost the
effective use of one of the joints. Our mechanism has become locally degenerate
at this location and behaves as if it only has one degree of freedom (the elevation
This kind of phenomenon is caused by what is called a singularity of the
mechanism. All mechanisms are prone to these difficulties, including robots. Just
as with the rear gunner's mechanism, these singularity conditions do not prevent
a robot arm from positioning anywhere within its workspace. However, they can
cause problems with motions of the arm in their neighborhood.
Manipulators do not always move through space; sometimes they are also
required to touch a workpiece or work surface and apply a static force. In this
case the problem arises: Given a desired contact force and moment, what set of
joint torques is required to generate them? Once again, the Jacobian matrix of the
manipulator arises quite naturally in the solution of this problem.
Dynamics is a huge field of study devoted to studying the forces required to cause
motion. In order to accelerate a manipulator from rest, glide at a constant end-
effector velocity, and finally decelerate to a stop, a complex set of torque functions
must be applied by the joint actuators.2 The exact form of the required functions of
actuator torque depend on the spatial and temporal attributes of the path taken by
the end-effector and on the mass properties of the links and payload, friction in the
joints, and so on. One method of controlling a manipulator to follow a desired path
involves calculating these actuator torque functions by using the dynamic equations
of motion of the manipulator.
Many of us have experienced lifting an object that is actually much lighter
than we
(e.g., getting a container of milk from the refrigerator which
we thought was full, but was nearly empty). Such a misjudgment of payload can
cause an unusual lifting motion. This kind of observation indicates that the human
control system is more sophisticated than a purely kinematic scheme. Rather, our
manipulation control system makes use of knowledge of mass and other dynamic
effects. Likewise, algorithms that we construct to
the motions of a robot
manipulator should take dynamics into account.
A second use of the dynamic equations of motion is in simulation. By refor-
mulating the dynamic equations so that acceleration is computed as a function of
actuator torque, it is possible to simulate how a manipulator would move under
application of a set of actuator torques. (See Fig. 1.10.) As computing power
becomes more and more cost effective, the use of simulations is growing in use and
importance in many fields.
In Chapter 6, we develop dynamic equations of motion, which may be used to
control or simulate the motion of manipulators.
2We use joint actuators as the generic term for devices that
power a manipulator—for example,
electric motors, hydraulic and pneumatic actuators, and muscles.