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ConeforInput扩展模块是用于ArcGIS环境中的一个重要工具,它主要用于处理空间分析任务,特别是那些涉及节点距离计算和特征连接的场景。这个扩展模块的操作主要围绕着四个关键步骤展开: 1. 对话框启动: 扩展工具提供了两个按钮,左侧的"D"按钮用于打开“距离内的ID参数”对话框,这是进行操作的起点。对话框的作用是让用户配置输入参数。 2. 配置生境数据: 在对话框中,首先选择需要分析的生境数据层或图层。这些层应在ArcMap/ArcGIS环境中打开,且所有层的ID和属性字段必须一致。用户需确保每个特性都有唯一的ID,并且这些ID字段已预先存在于层中。如果没有,可以通过创建新字段并基于FID(Feature ID)字段计算得到。 3. 选择属性字段: 选择包含节点属性的字段,例如栖息地面积、栖息地质量等,这些字段应在分析前已经计算并可用。在ArcGIS 9.x和10版本中,可以支持球面质心到球面质心的距离计算,这对于更精确地反映特征重心很有帮助,但需要注意的是,此选项在ArcView 3.x版本中不可用。 4. 定义距离计算范围: 用户可以选择计算所有功能层之间的距离(全连接文件,适用于5.3节中描述的情况),或者是仅在指定距离内的特性(部分连接文件,类似于ConeforSensinode 2.2用户手册中的描述)。在后一种情况,用户必须输入与所选特征类投影相同的单位来设定距离阈值。设置合理的距离阈值有助于优化GIS处理时间和资源消耗。 通过ConeforInput扩展模块,用户可以方便地执行复杂的地理空间分析任务,如网络分析和空间聚类,同时确保了数据的一致性和准确性。理解和熟练运用这个工具,可以极大地提升GIS应用的工作效率和数据分析精度。
2020-03-20 上传
软件安装包Conefor is a software package that allows quantifying the importance of habitat areas and links for the maintenance or improvement of connectivity, as well as evaluating the impacts on connectivity of habitat and landscape changes. Conefor is conceived as a tool for spatial ecology analyses and for decision-making support in conservation planning, through the identification and prioritization of critical sites for habitat and landscape connectivity. Previous versions of Conefor were known as Conefor Sensinode. Conefor includes new connectivity indices (integral index of connectivity, probability of connectivity) that have been shown to present an improved performance compared to other existing indices and to be particularly suited for landscape conservation planning and change monitoring applications (Pascual-Hortal & Saura 2006, Saura & Pascual-Hortal 2007, Saura & Rubio 2010, Saura et al. 2011). These indices are based on spatial graphs (networks) and on the concept of measuring habitat availability (reachability) at the landscape scale. This concept consists in considering that an habitat patch is connected to itself, measuring the connected habitat resources existing within the patches (intrapatch connectivity) jointly with the resources made available by (or reachable through) the connections with other habitat patches (interpatch connectivity). In this way, connectivity is conceived (and measured) as the property of the landscape that determines the amount of reachable habitat in the landscape, no matter if such reachable habitat comes from big and/or high quality habitat patches themselves (intrapatch connectivity), from strong connections between different patches (interpatch connectivity) or, more frequently, from a combination of both.