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Section I of the 2005 graduate entrance examination English test analyzes the function of human smell. This is a popular science explanatory article that discusses the theme of "the function of the human nose is not well recognized." The article starts by refuting the common view that "human sense of smell is not sensitive" and explores the reasons for the formation of this view. It clearly states the belief that "the sense of smell of humans is very sensitive" and indirectly argues for this belief by dissecting the true reasons for the belief that "the human nose is not sensitive". The article points out that the human nose is actually an underrated tool because humans are often considered to have less sensitive smell compared to animals, primarily due to the fact that humans stand upright unlike animals. This leads to the misconception that our noses are less capable of perceiving smells that float through the air, when in fact the majority of smells stick to surfaces. Through this analysis, the article highlights the importance of the human nose and the potential sensitivity of our sense of smell.