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The 2005 national postgraduate entrance examination in English (subject code: 201) included strict instructions for candidates. Prior to answering the exam questions, students were required to fill in their candidate number and name on the designated spots in the test booklet, as well as indicating their examination institution, name, and candidate number on the answer sheet, and filling in the candidate number information points. Additionally, candidates had to detach the "test paper barcode" from the test booklet and paste it in the specified location on the answer sheet to ensure accurate marking. Failure to follow these instructions could result in consequences for the candidate. Furthermore, candidates were instructed to mark their answers for multiple-choice questions on the answer sheet and provide written responses within the designated border areas for non-multiple-choice questions. Any answers written outside of the designated area or on scratch paper or the test booklet would be deemed invalid. Black ink pens were required for written responses, with clear and legible handwriting, while 2B pencils were to be used for shading purposes. Finally, upon completion of the exam, candidates were required to submit both the answer sheet and the test booklet in accordance with the specified guidelines. It was emphasized that the candidate's information must be accurately filled out in order to ensure proper identification and grading. In summary, the 2005 national postgraduate entrance examination in English (subject code: 201) had strict protocols in place to ensure fairness and accuracy in the grading process. Candidates were reminded to follow all instructions carefully to avoid any negative consequences during the evaluation of their exam results.