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"The Go Programming Language 2015.11" 《Go编程语言》是学习Go语言的权威资源,适用于任何希望掌握Go的程序员。本书通过解决实际问题的示例来展示如何编写清晰、地道的Go代码,无论您之前最熟悉JavaScript、Ruby、Python、Java还是C++,都能轻松上手。 第一章是一个关于Go基本概念的教程,通过文件I/O、文本处理、简单图形以及Web客户端和服务器的程序来介绍。这使得初学者能够快速地理解Go语言的基础。 早期章节涵盖了Go程序的结构元素:语法、控制流、数据类型以及将程序组织成包、文件和函数的方式。示例展示了标准库中的许多包,并展示了如何创建自己的新包。后续章节详细解释了包机制,以及如何使用`go`工具构建、测试和维护项目。 关于方法和接口的章节介绍了Go语言独特的面向对象编程方法,其中方法可以声明在任何类型上,接口是隐式满足的。这些章节通过现实世界的例子解释了封装、组合和可替换性等关键原则。 两章关于并发的内容深入探讨了这一日益重要的主题。第一章讲解了goroutines和channels的基本机制,展示了Go著名的“通信顺序进程”风格。第二章则涵盖了使用共享变量的传统并发方面。这些章节为初次接触并发的程序员提供了坚实的基础。 最后两章探索了Go的低级特性。一章介绍了使用反射进行元编程的艺术,另一章展示了如何在特殊情况下使用`unsafe`包跳出类型系统,以及如何使用`cgo`工具为C库创建Go绑定。 书中包含数百个有趣的实践示例,覆盖了整个Go语言、其最重要的包以及广泛的应用场景。每章都有练习来检验你的理解并探索扩展和替代方案。源代码可以在http://gopl.io/免费下载,可以通过`go get`命令方便地获取、构建和安装。 《Go编程语言》是一本全面而深入的Go语言指南,适合从零开始学习Go的开发者,也适合寻求巩固和提升Go技能的有经验的程序员。书中丰富的示例和练习将帮助读者熟练掌握Go语言的各个方面,包括并发、元编程和与C库的交互,从而成为一名高效的Go开发者。
2015-11-20 上传
The Go Programming Language is the authoritative resource for any programmer who wants to learn Go. It shows how to write clear and idiomatic Go to solve real-world problems. The book does not assume prior knowledge of Go nor experience with any specific language, so you’ll find it accessible whether you’re most comfortable with JavaScript, Ruby, Python, Java, or C++. The first chapter is a tutorial on the basic concepts of Go, introduced through programs for file I/O and text processing, simple graphics, and web clients and servers. Early chapters cover the structural elements of Go programs: syntax, control flow, data types, and the organization of a program into packages, files, and functions. The examples illustrate many packages from the standard library and show how to create new ones of your own. Later chapters explain the package mechanism in more detail, and how to build, test, and maintain projects using the go tool. The chapters on methods and interfaces introduce Go’s unconventional approach to object-oriented programming, in which methods can be declared on any type and interfaces are implicitly satisfied. They explain the key principles of encapsulation, composition, and substitutability using realistic examples. Two chapters on concurrency present in-depth approaches to this increasingly important topic. The first, which covers the basic mechanisms of goroutines and channels, illustrates the style known as communicating sequential processes for which Go is renowned. The second covers more traditional aspects of concurrency with shared variables. These chapters provide a solid foundation for programmers encountering concurrency for the first time. The final two chapters explore lower-level features of Go. One covers the art of metaprogramming using reflection. The other shows how to use the unsafe package to step outside the type system for special situations, and how to use the cgo tool to create Go bindings for C libraries. The book features hundreds of interesting and practical examples of well-written Go code that cover the whole language, its most important packages, and a wide range of applications. Each chapter has exercises to test your understanding and explore extensions and alternatives. Source code is freely available for download from http://gopl.io/ and may be conveniently fetched, built, and installed using the go get command. Table of Contents Chapter 1. Tutorial Chapter 2. Program Structure Chapter 3. Basic Data Types Chapter 4. Composite Types Chapter 5. Functions Chapter 6. Methods Chapter 7. Interfaces Chapter 8. Goroutines and Channels Chapter 9. Concurrency with Shared Variables Chapter 10. Packages and the Go Tool Chapter 11. Testing Chapter 12. Reflection Chapter 13. Low-Level Programming