精通Spring 5.0微服务:第二版实战指南

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"Spring 5.0 Microservices 第二版" 本书是《Spring 5.0 微服务》的第二版,由Rajesh RV撰写,由Packt Publishing出版,于2017年7月发布,专注于使用Spring框架构建微服务的实践、全面且用户友好的方法。书中涵盖了与Spring 5.0相关的最新特性,特别是反应式流的集成,以及如何利用Docker和Mesos来扩展和构建成功的微服务。 本书适合已经有一定Spring开发经验的开发者,他们希望构建云就绪、互联网规模的应用,并提供满足现代商业需求的简单RESTful服务。 通过阅读本书,读者将能够: 1. 了解微服务架构的基本概念及其优势:微服务架构将大型应用拆分为一组小型、独立的服务,每个服务都有自己的业务功能,这样可以提高可伸缩性、可维护性和部署灵活性。 2. 掌握在开发微服务时避免常见问题和陷阱的策略:微服务架构虽然有诸多好处,但也会带来如服务间通信、数据一致性、故障隔离等挑战。书中将指导读者如何有效应对这些问题。 3. 使用Spring Boot和Spring Cloud开发微服务:Spring Boot简化了创建独立的、生产级别的基于Spring的应用程序,而Spring Cloud则提供了实现微服务所需的一系列工具,如服务发现、配置管理、断路器模式等。 4. 学习处理微服务的日志和监控:在微服务环境中,日志和监控对于诊断和优化系统性能至关重要。书中将介绍如何有效地集成和管理这些工具,以便实时监控服务状态并快速响应问题。 5. 利用Spring 5.0中的反应式编程构建现代化的云原生应用:反应式编程模型允许在高并发场景下更高效地处理事件,提高系统的响应速度和吞吐量。 6. 通过Docker、Mesos和Marathon管理互联网规模的微服务:Docker提供轻量级的容器化技术,便于部署和隔离服务;Mesos是一个分布式操作系统,用于管理和调度资源;Marathon是Mesos上的持久化工作负载管理器,确保服务的高可用性。 通过深入学习这些内容,读者将能够构建出强大的、可扩展的微服务架构,以适应不断变化的业务需求和现代云计算环境。书中的实例和最佳实践将帮助读者将理论知识转化为实际操作,提升其在微服务领域的专业技能。
2017-12-11 上传
Book Description Build a microservices architecture with Spring Boot, by evolving an application from a small monolith to an event-driven architecture composed of several services. This book follows an incremental approach to teach microservice structure, test-driven development, Eureka, Ribbon, Zuul, and end-to-end tests with Cucumber. Author Moises Macero follows a very pragmatic approach to explain the benefits of using this type of software architecture, instead of keeping you distracted with theoretical concepts. He covers some of the state-of-the-art techniques in computer programming, from a practical point of view. You'll focus on what's important, starting with the minimum viable product but keeping the flexibility to evolve it. What You'll Learn Build microservices with Spring Boot Use event-driven architecture and messaging with RabbitMQ Create RESTful services with Spring Master service discovery with Eureka and load balancing with Ribbon Route requests with Zuul as your API gateway Write end-to-end rest tests for an event-driven architecture using Cucumber Carry out continuous integration and deployment Who This Book Is For Those with at least some prior experience with Java programming. Some prior exposure to Spring Boot recommended but not required. Table of Contents Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: The Basic Spring Boot Application Chapter 3: A Real Three-Tier Spring Boot Application Chapter 4: Starting with Microservices Chapter 5: The Microservices Journey Through Tools Chapter 6: Testing the Distributed System Appendix A: Upgrading to Spring Boot 2.0