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In the period from 2006 to 2020, China witnessed rapid development in its road transportation infrastructure and a significant increase in the number of registered vehicles. However, despite some fluctuations in the number of road traffic accidents over the years, it is evident that road safety remains a major concern in the country. The number of accidents reached a historic low in 2015 but saw a rebound in subsequent years, with 2018 even surpassing the accident levels from a decade ago. This rise in accidents can be attributed to the growth in the number of vehicles on the road and the prevalence of traffic violations among drivers. While there was a slight decrease in accidents after 2018, it is important to note that this might be partially due to reduced travel activity during the pandemic. Therefore, the issue of road safety still demands considerable attention.
Based on recent statistics on traffic accidents in China, this analysis examines the characteristics of these accidents in terms of their temporal and spatial distribution, as well as the probability of accidents occurring among different gender and age groups. By identifying the reasons behind these accidents, we can better understand the factors contributing to road safety hazards. Finally, drawing on the current state of road safety in China, recommendations are proposed for improving traffic safety and reducing the occurrence of accidents.
Keywords: Traffic safety engineering; Accident characteristics; Data analysis; Causes of accidents.
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