- 5 -
“Y” to represents an 8-PAM signal point. For example, if “X” is “000”, then the In-Phase
component in Figure 5 (b) is always “1” and if “Y” is “111”, then the Quadrature component in
Figure 5 (b) is always “-1”. Therefore, at the TCM decoder, the In-Phase and Quadrature soft
outputs from the 64-QAM demodulator can be decoded independently. Also, at the rate-1/2
Viterbi decoder, each In-Phase (or Quadrature) soft output is compared with reference 8-PAM
signal constellation points {-7, -5, -3, -1, 1, 3, 5, 7}.
Since a rate-1/2 16-state convolutional code is used in the TCM encoder, there are four
distinct labels for each branch in the 16-state trellis, i.e., {00, 01, 10, 11}. Therefore, only the
branch metrics for these four distinct branch labels need to be calculated. There are two-bits
for each branch label, and therefore two consecutive soft outputs must be feed into the branch
metric generator. These two bits are used as LSB for the 8-PAM signal constellation mapping.
For each bit, there are four parallel branches with MSB label {00, 01,10,11}. These four
parallel branch labels are compared with four 8-PAM signal points which are decided by the
LSB of the branch label.For example, suppose “01” is a label for a branch in a rate-1/2 Viterbi
decoder trellis. Then, for label “0”, we calculate branch metrics with (000, 010, 100,110) = (1,
5, -7,-3) in the 8-PAM signal constellation and find the label with minimum branch metric.For a
label “1”, we calculate branch metrics with (001, 011, 101,111) = (3, 7, -5,-1) in the 8-PAM sig-
nal constellation and find the label with minimum branch metric. After this, each branch metric
is added, and pairs of two MSB bits are stored from the labels with minimum branch metric.
After Viterbi Decoding, eight consecutive 2-bits pairs for parallel branches and 4
information bits from 10 consecutive In-Phase component of 64-QAM signals are recovered.
Four recovered information bits are fed into the BCC to produce eight LSBs. These eight LSBs
are combined with the eight consecutive 2-bits pair and fed into a puncturing device to
generate five consecutive 3-bits “X”. Five consecutive 3-bits “Y” bits are recovered by the
same procedure as for the quadrature part. Then 6-bit “X” and “Y” are converted into “I” and
“Q” based on Table 2. These recovered five consecutive 2-bits MSB of “I”, five consecutive 2-
bits MSB of “Q”, and pairs of four information bits from each BCC, totalling 28 bits, are