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易商 B2C 网上交易系统是一个基于Web技术的B/S结构的二手交易系统,旨在为校园学生提供便捷、快捷的交易平台。随着电子商务的飞速发展,网上交易日益展现出其不可替代的优势。然而,校园电子商务应用起步较晚,导致校园电子商务模式的不成熟,使得高校校园电子商务的发展相对缓慢。因此,本论文设计了一个易商 B2C 网上交易系统,旨在促进校园内二手商品的交易和流通。 该系统主要功能包括会员管理、类别管理、用户注册、商品发布和商品审核等,为广大学生提供了平等互利的交易空间。系统前台主要使用JSP作为开发语言,后台数据库管理系统使用MySQL,开发环境为MyEclipse,服务器采用tomcat。系统通过这些技术和工具的应用,能够为用户提供便捷、高效的交易体验。 关键词:二手交易网,网上商店,JSP,B/S 结构 Abstract The B2C online trading system is a B/S structured second-hand trading system based on Web technology, aimed at providing a convenient and efficient trading platform for campus students. With the rapid development of e-commerce, online trading has shown its irreplaceable advantages. However, the late start of e-commerce applications in campuses and the immaturity of campus e-commerce models have led to a relatively slow development of e-commerce in higher education institutions. Therefore, this paper designs an easy-to-use B2C online trading system to promote the trading and circulation of second-hand goods on campus. The main functions of the system include member management, category management, user registration, product release, and product review, providing an equal and mutually beneficial trading space for a large number of students. The front end of the system primarily uses JSP as the development language, MySQL as the back-end database management system, MyEclipse as the development environment, and tomcat as the server. Through the application of these technologies and tools, the system can provide users with a convenient and efficient trading experience. Keywords: second-hand trading website, online store, JSP, B/S structure